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The Grenoble Alpes Cybersecurity Institute aims at undertaking ground-breaking interdisciplinary research in order to address cybersecurity and privacy challenges. Our main technical focus is on low-cost secure elements, critical infrastructures, vulnerability analysis and validation of large systems, including practical resilience across the industry and the society. Our approach to cybersecurity is holistic, encompassing technical, legal, law-enforcement, economic, social, diplomatic, military and intelligence-related aspects with strong partnerships with the private sector and robust national and international cooperation with leading institutions in France and abroad.


Instructions to authors

Please don't forget  to mention the following in your articles:

"Ce travail a bénéficié d'une aide de l'Etat gérée par l'Agence Nationale de la Recherche au titre du programme "Investissements d'avenir" portant la référence ANR-15-IDEX-02"


"This work is supported by the French National Research Agency in the framework of the "Investissements d’avenir” program (ANR-15-IDEX-02)"



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Key words

Approche Filtre Deobfuscation Asynchronous design Fault injection Access tokens Laser fault injection Authenticated encryption with associated data DFA Cyber Critical states distance Cyber-attacks Diagnostic First-order logic Automated verification Cyberspace AES low-cost hardware Countermeasures Behavioral based-IDS Cyber Sécurité Communication security Filter approach Digitalization Automates programmables Control and security for critical infrastructure systems Execute In Place Cyber Attaque Automated reasoning Symbolic execution Combinational constraints Cryptocurrency Discrete Event System CMOS Bulk AEAD Système de contrôle-commande industriel SCADA Discrete event systems Functional safety Due diligence Authentication Counterfeit Conspiracy Santa Asynchronous circuit Blockchain Cyber Physical Systems Critical state distance Finger- prints Ensemble learning Computer-aided design Opaque predicate Cybersécurité des systèmes industriels Puzzle Cyber Attacks DES Détection Zero-knowledge proofs Filtre Attack-Tree analysis Cyber security Distance Code cloning Clocks EM Fault detection Compétition Diagnosis Differential Fault Analysis Industrial systems Authorization Behavioral Model Filter Approach Enseignement Data protection Control-flow graph Card-based secure two-party protocols Formal verification BBICS Distance aux états critiques Architecture de défense Asynchronous logic Concurrency Bow-Tie analysis Machine learning CADP Flow integrity Compilation Discrete event system Cybersecurity Cyber Security FDSOI Privacy ANALYSE DES RISQUES FD-SOI Cybersécurité CMOS bulk Reverse engineering Obfuscation Cyber-security CYBERSÉCURITÉ Cyberattacks Approche par Filtres