H. Kuang-chhi, X. ???, and . Guangqi, The Thung Wên Suan Chih [????, tóngwénsuànzh??suànzh??] (Treatise on European Arithmetic) was dictated by Ricci and recorded by Li Chih-Tsao [???, Li Zhizao]; it was printed in +1614. These were followed by books on more advanced geometry and surveying, +1607 Later in the century there came (+1669) the

H. Fa and S. Shu, ) and other Jesuits before +1635. Logarithms first appear in the Thien Pu Chen Yuan [????, ti ¯ anbùzh ¯ enyuán] (True Course of Celestial Motions); and his pupil Hsüeh Fêng-Tsu [???, xu ¯ efèngzuò] produced in +1653 the first Chinese logarithmic tables together with a discussion of them. 57 After the beginning of the 18th century, compendia of mathematics were compiled and issued by imperial order in the Khang-Hsi [??, k ¯ angx ¯ ?] reign period, there was the Lü Li Yuan Yuan [????, lülü`lüùlìyu ¯ anyuán] (Ocean of Calendar Calculations ) of +1713 (in which van Vlacq's logarithm tables of +1628 were reprinted in Chinese form), and the Shu Li Ching Yün

. Astronomers-in-beijing, Agustín Udías writes on page 4731680?1746) born in Landsberg, Germany, was named president His main scientific work consisted in the renewal of the astronomical instruments. (...) He was also responsible for the publication in Chinese of astronomical and mathematical works such as tables of logarithms, catalogues of eclipses and observations of Jupiter's satellites, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol.35, pp.463-478, 1994.

V. Walle, Han Qi writes p. 108 that Thomas (1644?1709) compiled some Chinese tables of sines, cosines, tangents and logarithms, and that a few of these tables are found in the Palace Museum of Beijing, 2003.

X. Fengzuo and ?. Smogolenski, Xue then applied the techniques of spherical trigonometry and logarithms to surveying , which was appreciated by the Qianlong Imperial Library editors in their review of Xue's Compendium on the Yellow River and Grand Canal (????) The editors noted that Xue's mathematical expertise was an invaluable aid in analyzing problems related 70 (Editor) The correct title is Arithmetica logarithmica. 71 This article is a preliminary version of a chapter in Elman's book, see http, pp.1600-1680