C. George and . Foster, The Method of Quarter-Squares, 593, 1889. [answer to Glaisher's article, 1042.

J. Leslie, The philosophy of arithmetic, pp.245-257, 1820.

H. Ludolf, Tetragonometria tabularia. Leipzig: Groschian, 1690. [other editions were published in 1709 and 1712]

D. D. Mcfarland, Quarter-squares revisited: earlier tables, division of labor in table construction, and later implementations in analog computers, 2007.

D. David, W. Mcfarland-george, and . Jones, Tables of quarter-squares, sociologic, 2007.

J. M. Merpaut, Tables arithmonomiques, fondées sur le rapport du rectangle au carré ; ou, le calcul réduit à son dernier degré de simplification. Vannes, 1832. [not seen]