M. Let, R. , R. , M. Good, P. et al., Let xy be that contained edge)-(5) that there is no bad configuration (w, z, M R ) in Q R such that w L and z L are both incident with e 1 or e 2 Thus the configuration Hence there is a Hamiltonian path The desired Hamiltonian path of Q 4 ? M is P ux + P x R y R + P yv where P ux and P yv are disjoint subpaths of P uv , assuming that x is closer to u than y on the path P uv . Case 3: m(M ) = 2 Applying Lemma 9 observe that Figure 24(1)-(4) shows all bad configurations in Q L or Q R for each of the four maximal unaligned matchings M with m(M ) = 2 depicted in Figure 8, respectively. Subcase 3.1: Vertices u and v are separated Assume that u ? V (Q L ) and v ? V (Q R ) We distinguish the following three possibilities. 3.1.1: M is as in Figure 24(1) and u or v is incident with M d . Assume that u = a, the other case is symmetric. Observe in Figure 25 that the statement holds for each v ? V (Q R ) of different parity than u. 3.1.2: M is as in Figure 24(4) and {u, v} = {d, e}. Observe in Figure 26 that the statement holds. 3.1.3: The remaining possibilities; that is, M is as in Figure 24(1) and none of u and v is incident with M d , or M is as in Figure)-(4) and {u, v} = {d, e}. A vertex w ? V (Q L ) is free if it has a different parity than u and is not incident with M d . We claim that there is a free vertex w ? V (Q L ) such that the configurations Observe from the same figure that the configuration (u, x, M L ) is bad for at most one free vertex x. Similarly, the configuration (v, y R , M R ) is bad for at most one free vertex, we have four free vertices. References [1] R. CAHA, V. KOUBEK, Hamiltonian cycles and paths with a prescribed set of edges in hypercubes and dense sets, J. Graph Theory, pp.51-53, 2005.

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