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C. Appendix and . Instance, A digraph G and an integer k

. Good-news, Approximable within O((log n) 3/2 ) in polynomial time (Thm. 13) Exact solution can be computed in time O * (1.9129 n ) for digraphs with maximum outdegree at most 2; and for unbounded outdegree in time O *

. Good-news, For digraphs with maximum outdegree at most 2, exact solution can be computed in time O * (1.9129 n ) (Thm. 17); and in time O * (1.9977 n ) for unbounded outdegree

. Good-news, Approximable within O((log n) 3/2 ) in polynomial time (Thm. 21) Exact solution can be computed in time O * (1.9129 n ) for binary alphabets; and for unbounded alphabet size in time O *

. Bad and . News, NP-complete; NP-hardness holds already for binary alphabets (Thm

. Good-news, Problem is decidable [20]. Exact solution can be computed within exponential space and doubly exponential time

. Bad and . News, NP-hard, already for binary alphabets (Thm. 23) Problem is PSPACE-hard if input given by an nondeterministic finite automaton in place of a deterministic one