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I. Applied, . At-copenhagen-business, and . School, Prior to joining the doctoral program, she worked as a project manager and IT management consultant in companies such as IBM, Novo Nordisk, and Systematic Software Engineering Her research interests include adoption of technologies, with a particular interest in mobile devices and services and social networks. She recently visited the Polytechnic Heidi can be reached by e-mail at htj.caict@cbs.dk. Lars Mathiassen received his Master's degree in computer science from Aarhus University, 1975.

. Techn, He is currently GRA Eminent Scholar and professor in the Department of Computer Information Systems and co-founder of the Center for Process Innovation at Georgia State University His research interests are in the areas of information systems and software engineering with a particular emphasis on process innovation. He is a coauthor of Computers in Context (Blackwell 1993), Object Oriented Analysis & Design He has served as a senior editor for MIS Quarterly and his research has been published in journals including Information Systems Research, software engineering from Aalborg University and Improving Software Organizations Journal of the AIS, Information Systems Journal, and IEEE Software. Lars can be reached at Lars, 1998.