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Q. You, H. Jin, Z. Wang, C. Fang, and J. Luo, Image captioning with semantic attentionA surfer is riding a big wave in the ocean Generated caption: -A man is doing a trick on a skateboard Ground-truth captions: -a man flying through the air while riding a skateboard. -A skateboarder is high in the air separated from his board in the break of a rampA man standing in a living room playing a video game Ground-truth captions: -A man standing in a living room holding a Nintendo Wii game controller. -Man standing in a family room with a game controller in his hand. -A man is standing and playing video games. -A man is standing in a living room with a Wii controller. -A middle aged man is playing with a WII game Generated caption: -A baseball player swinging a bat at a ball Ground-truth captions: -A batter holds the bat behind his head for a powerful swing. -A man holding a bat at a professional baseball game. -a baseball player in the batters box at a game -A man is at bat during a professional baseball game. -There are spectators watching a baseball game going on Generated caption: -A vase filled with flowers on a table Ground-truth captions: -A counter containing two silver vases with colorful flowers. -A base with yellow pink and orange daisies in it. -There are some flowers in decorative silver vases -Colorful flowers in a metal vase sitting on a mirror ledge. -Flowers in a paper that is silver and standing. Generated caption: -A bathroom with a toilet sink and bathtub Ground-truth captions: -A tiled bathroom containing a vanity sink, toilet and bathtub. -a bath room with a toilet a bath tub and a sink -There is a bathroom with a toilet and tub. -A white toilet and bath in a room. -A white bathtub sitting next to a toilet Generated caption: -A man in a suit and tie wearing a hat Ground-truth captions: -A man wearing a hat and a gray jacket. -A man with a suit and tie and a fedora on. -A man wears a suit with a blue shirt and a multicolored tie. -A man in a suit and tie wearing a hat. -a man that is in a suite and a tie Generated caption: -A cat is standing next to a bicycle Ground-truth captions: -A cat standing next to a bike parked against a wall. -A ca walking with its tail straight up . -A kitten is walking next to a parked bike inside. -A small cat is walking behind a bike. -A baby tabby cat walking behind a bicycle leaning against a wall Generated caption: -A large airplane flying through a blue sky Ground-truth captions: -A picture of a plane is flying in the air. -An airplane with two propellor engines flying in the sky. -A propeller plane flying through a blue sky. -A small airplane is flying through a clear blue sky. -A propeller plane flying through a blue sky. Generated caption: -A couple of kids laying on a bed Ground-truth captions: -A custom cake featuring a fisherman for a man's 65th birthday. -A birthday cake made to look like a man on a pier fishing. -a fathers birthday cake with a pond and sheep on the hill -The birthday cake is in the shape of a hill with a fisherman sitting on it. -The birthday cake for a 65 year old. Generated caption: -A large body of water with boats in the background Ground-truth captions: -Two boats that are sitting in the water. -Those boats are waiting by the pier in the water. -A large city is on the water with boats. -City skyline as seen beyond waterway docking area. -A large body of water filled with boats next to a tall building. Generated caption: -A man holding a piece of cake on a plate Ground-truth captions: -A man is sitting down with a piece of chocolate cake in front of him with a fork in his hand. -a person at a table with a large piece of cake -This man is holding a fork to eat a piece of chocolate cake. -The man sitting at a table with a large slice of cake. -a man sitting at a table with a piece of cake and holding a fork Generated caption: -A man standing in a kitchen preparing food Ground-truth captions: -A cook in a restaurant kitchen putting chopped vegetables in a bow. -At a restaurant's kitchen, a gentleman wearing sanitary gloves prepares a salad. -A man in a blue shirt is putting food into a bowl. -The man is in the kitchen preparing a meal. -A man in blue shirt preparing food in a kitchen Generated caption: -A herd of sheep grazing on a lush green field Ground-truth captions: -A herd of animals traveling down a country road surrounded by a lush green landscape, CVPRJogger running past a flock of sheep in a rural area -A man walking beside sheep on a country road. -Jogger running past a flock of white sheep. -A runner wearing spandex has come across a large herd traveling down the dirt road. Generated caption: -A woman is eating a piece of pizza Ground-truth captions: -A woman wearing a hat bites into a pastry. -A girl eating a donut out of a bag -a woman eating a powdered sugar pastry out of a bag -A woman eating a pastry at a coffee shop. -The woman in the hat is taking a bite of a pastry, 2016.