Y. Hayduk, A. Sobe, and .. , and Pascal Felber Evaluating the Cost and Robustness of Self-organizing Distributed Hash Tables, p.16

S. Delbruel, D. Frey, and .. , and François Taïani Privacy-Preserving Data Allocation in Decentralized Online Social Networks, p.47

C. Rui and . Gonçalves, José Pereira, and Ricardo Jiménez-Peris Holistic Shuffler for the Parallel Processing of SQL Window Functions, p.75

F. Coelho, J. Pereira, and .. , Ricardo Vilaça, and Rui Oliveira Providing CUDA Acceleration to KVM Virtual Machines in InfiniBand Clusters with rCUDA, p.82

F. Pérez, C. Reaño, and F. , Silla Benchmarking Wireless Protocols for Feasibility in Supporting Crowdsourced Mobile Computing, p.96

J. Rodrigues, J. Silva, R. Martins, L. Lopes, U. Drolia et al., Automatic Deployment of Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Services in PaaS Cloud, p.109

B. Zhang and F. K?ikava, Romain Rouvoy, and Lionel Seinturier Resource Usage Prediction in Distributed Key-Value Datastores, p.144

L. Probst and I. Giangreco, and Heiko Schuldt Bringing Complex Event Processing into Multitree Modelling of Sensors