A. Motten, L. Claesen, and .. , and Yun Pan Spatially-Varying Image Warping: Evaluations and VLSI Implementations, p.64

A. Ultra-low-power and .. , Application-Specific Processor with Sub-V T Memories for Compressed Sensing, p.88

A. Hexagonal-processor, I. Topology-for-many-core-architecture, and .. With-dense-on-chip-networks, 125 Zhibin Xiao and Bevan Baas Fault-Tolerant Techniques to Manage Yield and Power Constraints in Network-on-Chip Interconnections, p.144

A. Kologeski, C. Concatto, F. L. Kastensmidt, and L. , Carro On the Automatic Generation of Software-Based Self-Test Programs for Functional Test and Diagnosis of VLIW Processors, p.162

D. Sabena, L. Sterpone, M. Sonza-reorda, and .. , Table of Contents SEU-Aware Low-Power Memories Using a Multiple Supply Voltage Array Architecture

A. Farhad, . Parsan, and C. Scott, Smith Simulation and Experimental Characterization of a Unified Memory Device with Two Floating, p.217