B. Palazzi, M. Pizzonia, and S. , Pucacco Policy Definition and Enforcement Mining Likely Properties of Access Control Policies via Association Rule Mining

K. Jayaraman, G. Lewandowski, P. G. Talaga, S. J. , and .. , Chapin Trust and Identity Management Using Trust-Based Information Aggregation for Predicting Security Level of Systems, p.241

S. Siv-hilde-houmb and .. Chakraborty, Indrakshi Ray, and Indrajit Ray Modelling Dynamic Trust with Property Based Attestation in Trusted Platforms, p.257

J. Zibuschka, M. Herbert, and .. , and Heiko Roßnagel Short Papers An Access Control Model for Web Databases, p.287

A. Bouchahda-ben-tekaya and .. Nhan-le-thanh, Adel Bouhoula, and Faten Labbene-Ayachi Modelling Dynamic Access Control Policies for Web-Based Collaborative Systems, 295 Hasan Qunoo and Mark Ryan Evaluating the Risk of Adopting RBAC Roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303

A. Colantonio, R. D. , P. Provenance, and .. , Alberto Ocello, and Nino Vincenzo Verde Table of Contents XIII Preserving Integrity and Confidentiality of a Directed Acyclic Graph Model of, p.311

K. Verslype, P. Verhaeghe, J. Lapon, V. Naessens, B. De-decker et al., Detecting Spam Bots in Online Social Networking Sites: A Machine Learning Approach, p.335

K. Peng and F. , Bao Performance Evaluation of Non-parallelizable Client Puzzles for Defeating DoS Attacks in Authentication Protocols, p.358