A. Kurz, T. Suzuki, and E. , Formal Verification of Distributed Algorithms: From Pseudo Code to Checked Proofs, 209 Philipp Küfner, Uwe Nestmann, and Christina Rickmann A Temporal Logic for Multi-threaded Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225

F. Della, C. , V. Th, and .. , Paschos A Model Theoretic Proof of Completeness of an Axiomatization of Monadic Second-Order Logic on Infinite Words, p.310

F. Sher and J. , Katoen Broadcast Abstraction in a Stochastic Calculus for Mobile Networks, p.342

L. Song and J. Chr, Godskesen An Intersection Type System for Deterministic Pushdown Automata, p.357