G. Maggiore, P. Spronck, R. Orsini, and M. Bugliesi, Enrico Steffinlongo, and Mohamed Abbadi User Interface An Analysis of Player Strategies and Performance in Audio Puzzles, p.349

J. Carvalho and L. Duarte, and Luís Carriço Cell Phone Puppets: Turning Mobile Phones into Performing Objects, p.363

H. Gürkök, A. Nijholt, and U. Semiautomatic, Centered Orientation of Digital Artifacts on Multi-touch Tabletops 381 Lorenz Barnkow and Kai von Luck Posters Towards a Brewery Educational Game: Would Existence of a Game Goal Improve Learning?, p.389

C. Brom and E. Bromová, and Martin Pergel Player Control in a Real-Time Mobile Augmented Reality Game, p.393

C. Gielkens, R. Wetzel, and .. , Table of Contents XV Therapeutic Presence -Virtual Illusions for Neurorehabilitation 405 Thomas Schüler Integrated System for Automatic Platform Game Level Creation with Difficulty and Content Adaptation, p.409

C. J. Costa, M. Aparicio, and I. , and Carlos Cordeiro Interactive Music Recommendation System for Adapting Personal Affection, 417 Keigo Tada

M. Sakamoto, T. Nakajima, T. Storytelling, and .. , Alexandrova Real Story Interaction: The Role of Global Agency in Interactive, 425 Christian Roth and Ivar Vermeulen

S. Siegel and J. , Smeddinck The Influence of Music on Player Performance in Exergames for Parkinson's Patients, p.433

A. Takhtamysheva and B. , 453 Michaela Buchtová XVI Table of Contents Emotional Interaction with Surfaces -Works of Design and Computing, Smeddinck Demonstrations Interactive Installation Design to Enhance Audience Immersion and Informational . . . . . . . . . 457 Larissa Müller

D. Kadish and N. Kummer, Aleksandra Dulic, and Homayoun Najjaran Blending Real and Virtual Worlds Using Self-reflection and Fiducials, p.465

M. Fischbach, D. Wiebusch, M. E. Latoschik, G. Bruder, and F. , Steinicke The Animation Loop Station: Near Real-Time Animation Production, Nikolaas Steenbergen, and Rainer Malaka Exploring User Input Metaphors for Jump and Run Games on Mobile Devices, p.473

J. Hauge and H. Duin, Minhua Ma, and Manuel Oliveira Workshops Harnessing Collective Intelligence with Games GCI 2012 Harnessing Collective Intelligence with Games: 1st International Workshop on Systems with Homo Ludens in the Loop, p.496

T. Victor, . Sarinho, L. Antônio, E. S. Apolinário-jr, and .. Almeida, Automating the Implementation of Games Based on Model-Driven Authoring Environments 524 Christos Karamanos and Nikitas M. Sgouros Game Developers Need Lua AiR: Static Analysis of Lua Using Interface Models, p.530

F. Mehm, C. Reuter, S. Göbel, and R. , 542 Joris Dormans XVIII Table of Contents Mobile Gaming 549 Barbara Grüter, Holger Mügge, Leif Oppermann, and Mark Billinghurst " Do Not Touch the Paintings! " The Benefits of Interactivity on Learning and Future Visits in a Museum, Mobile Life -Interweaving the Virtual and the Real Proposal for the 4th Workshop on Mobile Gaming, Mobile Life ? Interweaving the Virtual and the 553 Konstantinos Mikalef, Michail N. Giannakos, Konstantinos Chorianopoulos, and Letizia Jaccheri Mobile Application for Noise Pollution Monitoring through Gamification Techniques, p.562

A. Pinto, A. Coelho, H. , and S. , Exploring the Challenges of Ethics, Privacy and Trust in Serious Gaming Workshop on: Exploring the Challenges of Ethics, Privacy and Trust in Serious Gaming, Franziska Boehm, and Mike Just Pervasive Gaming as a Potential Solution to Traffic Congestion: New Challenges Regarding Ethics, Privacy and Trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 586

V. Koenig, F. Boehm, and .. , and Rod McCall Conducting Ethical Research with a Game-Based Intervention for Groups at Risk of Social Exclusion