L. Gallina, S. Rossi, and .. , The Coarsest Precongruences Respecting Safety and Liveness Properties (Invited Talk), p.32

R. Jan-van...., Glabbeek Entropy and Attack Models in Information Flow (Invited Talk), p.53

L. Song, J. Chr, and .. , Godskesen On Packing Splittable Items with Cardinality Constraints 101 Fouad B. Chedid Deterministic Computations in Time-Varying Graphs: Broadcasting under Unstructured Mobility, p.111

A. Casteigts, P. Flocchini, and .. , 125 Nisansala Yatapanage, Kirsten Winter, and Saad Zafar Optimization of the Anisotropic Gaussian Kernel for Text Segmentation and Parameter Extraction

P. Curien, G. Munch-maccagnoni-polarized-resolution-modulo, .. , and R. , 182 Gilles Dowek A Logic on Subobjects, p.213

M. Bougeret, P. F. Dutot, and K. Jansen, Christina Otte, and Denis Trystram Improving the Competitive Ratios of the Seat Reservation Problem, p.328