J. Svensson-inform-consult-empower-eparticipation and .. , 121 Deirdre Lee, Nikolaos Loutas, Elena Sánchez-Nielsen, Esen Mogulkoc, and Oli Lacigova Design Thinking and Participation: Lessons Learned from Three Case Studies, p.145

S. Scherer, M. A. , and .. , Wimmer eParticipation Initiatives and Country Studies Measure to Improve: A Study of eParticipation in Frontrunner Dutch Municipalities, p.157

A. Fleur-van-veenstra, M. Janssen, and .. , 169 Rean van der Merwe and Anthony Meehan Knowledge as Power on the 180 Zelinna Pablo and Cynthia Hardy Revisiting the Conceptualisation of e-Campaigning: Putting Campaign Back in e, Campaigning Research

A. Marzuca, U. Serdült, and Y. Welp-ileger......., A Web Based Application for Participative Elections, p.228

A. Sousa, P. Agante, L. Borges-gouveia, and E. , Participation and eServices One for All, All for One ? Performing Citizen Driven Development of Public, 240 Katarina L. Gidlund Table of Contents XI Talking about Public Service Processes, p.252

B. Diirr, R. Araujo, and .. , and Claudia Cappelli Innovation and Evolution of Services: Role of Initiatives, p.262

A. Yurchyshyna and A. Khadraoui, Wanda Opprecht, and Michel Léonard Innovative Technologies Citizen Engagement with, Information Aggregation Markets, p.274

E. Bothos, D. Apostolou, and .. , and Gregoris Mentzas Towards a Structured Online Consultation Tool, p.286

A. Wyner, K. Atkinson, and T. , Bench-Capon A Review of Opinion Mining Methods for Analyzing Citizens' Contributions in Public Policy Debate, p.298