A. Gauge-invariant-reversible-cellular-automaton and .. ,

P. Arrighi, G. Di-molfetta, and .. , and Nathanaël Eon Counter Machines and Distributed Automata: A Story About Exchanging Space and Time, p.13

O. Carton, B. Guillon, F. Reiter-boolean, and . Networks, Beyond Generalized Asynchronicity, p.29

T. Chatain, S. Haar, and .. , and Loïc Paulevé Evaluating the Quality of Local Structure Approximation Using Elementary Rule 14, p.43

H. Fuk? and F. , Combert On Dynamical Complexity of Surjective Ultimately Right-Expansive Cellular, p.57

J. Jalonen, J. Kari-sequentializing-cellular-automata, and .. , , p.72

J. Kari, V. Salo, and T. , Worsch Glider Automorphisms on Some Shifts of Finite Type and a Finitary Ryan's Theorem, p.88

J. Kopra, H. , U. Results-for-iterative, and .. Arrays-with-sparse-communication, 100 Andreas Malcher Construction of Some Nonautomatic Sequences by Cellular Automata . . . . . . 113

I. Marcovici, T. Stoll, and P. Tahay,

.. , 127 Viet-Ha Nguyen and Kévin Perrot

A. Index and .. , , p.143