?. Hesaff and ?. Vlad,

?. Hesaff and ?. Smk,

?. Hesaff and ?. Asmk,

?. Hesaff, ?. Smk, and . +sp,

?. Hesaff and ?. +sp,

D. and A. +sp,

A. Mac,

A. Gem,

A. ,

A. ,

V. Mac,

V. Spoc,

V. Crow,

V. Gem,

V. ,

V. ,

V. ,

R. Mac,

R. Spoc,

R. Crow,

R. Gem,

R. ,

R. ,

R. ,

, Query expansion (QE) and diffusion (DFS)

?. Hesaff and ?. Hqe,

?. Hesaff and ?. Hqe+sp,

D. Hqe+sp,

R. ,

V. ,

R. ,

R. ,

V. ,

R. ,

R. ,

?. Hesaff and ?. Asmk-+sp-?-r-?,

?. Hesaff and ?. Asmk-+sp-?-r-?,

D. ,

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, The total number of easy and hard images is printed on each histogram, pp.37-37

?. +sp, Figure 7. Performance (AP) per query on RParis + R1M with Medium setup, pp.37-37

, The total number of easy and hard images is printed on each histogram, pp.37-37

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