. We, A. ?. Let, ?. Dfa, L. Such, V. Struct et al.,

A. , B. , I. The-case-of, and G. Dfa, C can be chosen as the product of A and B. The automaton B can be constructed in time time O(2 |V| ) which is constant since V is a parameter of the certainty problem rather than being part of its input Then ? is a certain answer of Q(A) on G iff Inst(G * ?)?Struct) iff the empty ?-assignment is a certain answer of Q(C) on G . Based on this fact, the PTime reduction Cert, ) is obvious. Also, ? is a certain non-answer of Q(A) on G iff Inst(G * ?) ? L(A) = ? iff Inst(G ) ? L(A) = ? iff the empty ?-assignment is a certain non-answer of Q(A). This yields the PTime reduction showing Cert ¬ans ?,V (G, A) ? p Cert ¬ans ? V ,? (G, A)

, Corollary 1 (Non-linear patterns) For all B ? {ans, ¬ans}, G ? {Pat, cPat} and A ? {Dfa, Nfa}, the problem Cert B ?,V (G, A) is PSpace-complete

. Proof, N. Let, G. {patg, and A. , Since Incl ? (G, A) and Incl ? V (G, A) are PSpace-complete by Theorem 2, the problem Cert ans ?,V (G, A) is also PSpace-complete. On the other hand, ) by Lemma 5 and Proposition 5. Then by Theorem 2, coMatch ? (G, A) and coMatch ? V (G, A) are PSpace-complete (since PSpace is closed by complementation ), and thus Cert ¬ans ?,V (G, A) is PSpace-complete. This completes the proof. Our next objective is to study the complexity of the four certainty problems but restricted to compressed linear string patterns

, For all A ? {Dfa, Nfa}, the certainty problems Cert ¬ans ?,V (cLinPat, A) (1) and Cert ans ?,V (cLinPat, Dfa) (2) can be solved in PTime. The problem Cert ans ?,V (G, Nfa) is PSpace-complete for all G ? {LinPat, Corollary, vol.2, issue.3

. Proof, The statements are proved respectively

N. , A) ? p coMatch ? V (cLinPat, A) ? PTime, so Cert ¬ans ?,V (cLinPat, A) ? PTime, ) follows Theorem 3 and the reductions Cert ans ?,V (cLinPat, Dfa) ? p Cert ans ? V ,? (cLinPat, Dfa) ? p Incl ? V (cLinPat, Nfa) ? PTime. (3) For all G ? {LinPat, cLinPat}, Incl ? (G, Nfa) = p Cert ans ?,? (G, Nfa) ?

?. Cert-ans, V. Nfa-)-?-p-cert-ans, ?. V. , ?. Nfa-)-?-p-incl, and ?. Nfa, Since for all G ? {LinPat, Nfa) are PSpacecomplete by Theorem 3, we have that Cert ans ?,V (G, Nfa) is PSpace-complete

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