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, Examples of achieved outcomes together with the ratio of covered cells in the Arm-2-Balls environment for RPE, MGE-EFR and RGE-EFR exploration algorithms. The number of times the ball was effectively handled is also represented. 20 (a) Random Goal Exploration with an entangled representation (VAE) as a goal space, Figure, vol.12

, Modular Goal Exploration with an entangled representation (VAE) as a goal space

, Random Goal Exploration with a disentangled representation (?VAE) as a goal space

. , Modular Goal Exploration with a disentangled representation (?VAE) as a goal space

, Examples of achieved outcomes together with the ratio of covered cells in the Arm-2-Balls environment for MGE and RGE exploration algorithms using learned goal spaces (VAE and ?VAE). The number of times the ball was effectively handled is also represented, Figure, vol.13