, spread the word" about the importance of being able not just to replicate software environments, but also to inspect and modified those software environments. These are key to proper scientific understanding and experimentation. This section summarizes articles we published and talks we gave around these topics, on Guix-HPC is to

, Articles Since the inception of Guix-HPC, two scientific articles were published in peer-reviewed conferences: ? Code Staging in GNU Guix 39 , (Ludovic Courtès, p.40, 2017.

?. Pigx, Reproducible Genomics Analysis Pipelines with GNU Guix 41 (Ricardo Wurmus et al, Dec. 2018) was published in the Open Access journal GigaScience and was presented at the International Conference on Genomics (ICG-13) 42 where it was awarded 2nd Runner Up in the GigaScience Prize Track 43

, wrote an article entitled Scientific Data Analysis Pipelines and Reproducibility 44, Altuna Alkalin, research team leader at the Max Delbrück Center (MDC), vol.39, 2018.


, internationalconference-on-genomics-icg-13/ Talks Since Guix-HPC was started, we gave talks at a number of venues: ? EasyBuild User Days, 201848-01.

?. Day, , 201849-02.

, ? HPC track at FOSDEM, 201850-02.

?. Cern, Ludovic Courtès) ? Software development plenary, Inria, 2018.

, Pjotr Prins) ? Minimalistic languages track at FOSDEM, ? International Conference on Genomics (ICG-13), 201853-10.

, Training Sessions We've organized a number of Guix training sessionsfor HPC, and URFIST, the French unit for training and scientific information in, 2018.

, As part of Guix-HPC though, participating institutions have dedicated work hours to the project, which we summarize here. ? Cray, Inc.: 0.4 person-year (Eric Bavier) ? Inria: 2 person-years (Ludovic Courtès)+ 4 person-months (Pierre-Antoine Rouby, intern) ? Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC): 2 person-years (Ricardo Wurmus) ? Tourbillion Technology: 0.5 person-year

, ? Utrecht Bioinformatics Center (UBC, p.1