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, A: R f ? R ? µ(R f , ?) ? µ(R, ?) (because µ(R, ?) = µ(R f R , ?) = µ(R f , ?) ? µ(R , ?)

. A-?-?(r-f, Let s ? A, s ? µ(R, ?) and c(? a (s)) = true So ?r ? R ?n ? N ? a (s) = ? a (r) (*) and s ? ? (n) ({r}) So c(? a (r)) = c(? a (s)) = true So r ? R f , which means distinct(? (n) ({r})) ? µ(R f , ?) (see fixpoint related proofs in Appendix C.1)

O. Repeat(x, count) = (R,empty,d,c) STEP (setDiff((SELECT DISTINCT (x, t) FROM (x,y) <-X, (z,t) <-R WHERE y == z), O), setUnion(O,X)

X. , O. , ). , and ). Step-(, SELECT DISTINCT (x, t,l+m) FROM (x,y,l) <-X, (z,t,m) <-R WHERE y == z).coalesce(p).cache(), setUnion(O,X), count, O.count()) UNTIL count == oldCount, UNTIL count == oldCount Shortest paths: REPEAT

). From-(x,y, City(n1,l1), cd) <-routes WHERE y == n1).coalesce(p).cache(), setUnion(O,X)

O. Repeat(x, count) = (startMovieNames,empty,d,c) STEP (setDiff((SELECT DISTINCT m FROM (lm,e) <-( SELECT (lu, x) from User(u,lu) <-userslocal, x <-X WHERE lu.map(_.name).contains(x)), Movie(m) <-lm ),O)