G. Angeli, M. J. Premkumar, and C. D. Manning, Leveraging linguistic structure for open domain information extraction, ACL, p.p

M. Banko, J. Cafarella, S. Soderland, M. Broadhead, and O. Etzioni, Open information extraction from the web, IJCAI

N. Béchet, P. Cellier, T. Charnois, and B. Crémilleux, Discovering linguistic patterns using sequence mining, CICLing

R. C. Bunescu and R. J. Mooney, A shortest path dependency kernel for relation extraction

D. Corro, L. Gemulla, and R. , Clausie : Clause-based open information extraction, International Conference on World Wide Web

A. Fader, S. Soderland, and O. Etzioni, Identifying relations for open information extraction

O. Ferret, Language Production, Cognition, and the Lexicon, chapter Typing Relations in Distributional Thesauri

K. Fundel, R. Küffner, and R. Zimmer, Relex-relation extraction using dependency parse trees, Bioinformatics

K. Gábor, H. Zargayouna, D. Buscaldi, and I. Tellier,

, Semantic annotation of the acl anthology corpus for the automatic analysis of scientific literature, LREC '

K. Gábor, H. Zargayouna, and D. Buscaldi,

, Unsupervised relation extraction in specialized corpora using sequence mining, Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XV (IDA )

K. Gábor, H. Zargayouna, I. Tellier, D. Buscaldi, and T. Charnois, A typology of semantic relations dedicated to scientific literature analysis, SAVE-SD Workshop at the th World Wide Web Conference

K. Gábor, H. Zargayouna, I. Tellier, D. Buscaldi, and T. Charnois, Exploring vector spaces for semantic relations, EMNLP, p.p

M. Hearst, Automatic acquisition of hyponyms from large text corpora, COLING

J. R. Hobbs and E. Riloff, Information extraction

E. Damerau, Handbook of Natural Language Processing

O. Levy, Y. Goldberg, and I. Dagan, Improving distributional similarity with lessons learned from word embeddings, Transactions of the ACL

M. D. Marneffe, B. Maccartney, and C. D. Manning, Generating typed dependency parses from phrase structure parses, LREC

M. D. Marneffe and C. D. Manning, Stanford typed dependencies manual. The Stanford NLP Group. revised for the Stanford Parser v

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T. Mikolov, W. Yih, and G. Zweig, Linguistic regularities in continuous space word representations, NAACL

R. J. Mooney and R. Bunescu, Mining knowledge from text using information extraction, SIGKDD Explor. Newsl

, Exploitation de résultats d'analyse syntaxique pour extraction semi-supervisée des chemins de relations, e Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles -TALN

Y. Nakamura-delloye and R. Stern, Extraction de relations et de patrons de relations entre entités nommées en vue de l'enrichissement d'une ontologie, TOTh : Terminologie & Ontologie : Théories et Applications, p. ?

J. Nivre, An efficient algorithm for projective dependency parsing

M. Porumb, I. Barbantan, C. Lemnaru, and R. Potolea, Remed : Automatic relation extraction from medical documents, Proceedings of the th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services

D. Radev, P. Muthukrishnan, and V. Qazvinian, The ACL Anthology Network Corpus, ACL Workshop on Text and Citation Analysis for Scholarly Digital Libraries

E. Santus, A. Lenci, and Q. Lu, Chasing hypernyms in vector spaces with entropy

R. Srikant and R. Agrawal, Mining sequential patterns : Generalizations and performance improvements, EDBT, p.p

P. D. Turney, Measuring semantic similarity by latent relational analysis, IJCAI

P. D. Turney, Similarity of semantic relations. CoRR, abs/cs

P. D. Turney, Domain and function : A dual-space model of semantic relations and compositions, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research

, Experiments with three approaches to recognizing lexical entailment, Natural Language Engineering

D. Valsamou, Extraction d'Information pour les réseaux de régulation de la graine chez Arabidopsis Thaliana, Ecole doctorale Sciences et technologies de l'information

J. Weeds, D. Clarke, J. Reffin, D. Weir, and B. Keller, Learning to distinguish hypernyms and co-hyponyms

R. Yangarber, W. Lin, and R. Grishman, Unsupervised learning of generalized names

Y. Zhao and G. Karypis, Evaluation of hierarchical clustering algorithms for document datasets, CIKM

Y. Zhao, G. Karypis, and U. Fayyad, Hierarchical clustering algorithms for document datasets. Data Mining for Knowledge Discovery

G. Zhou, J. Su, J. Zhang, and M. Zhang, Exploring various knowledge in relation extraction