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, Abdelaziz Bensrhair graduated with the Master of Science in electrical engineering (1989) and the Ph

, He is currently a Professor in Information Systems Architecture Department, head of Intelligent Transportation Systems Division (2007-2012) and co-director of the Computer Science, Information Processing, Computer science (1992) at the University of, pp.2002-2016

, His main research topics are in environment perception and multi-sensor fusion, vehicle positioning and environment 3D modeling with main applications in Intelligent Transport Systems and Robotics. He is the author of numerous publications and patents in the field of ITS and ADAS systems, Fawzi Nashashibi 51 years, is a senior researcher and has been the Program Manager of RITS Team at INRIA (Paris-Rocquencourt) since 2010. Fawzi Nashashibi has a Masters Degree in Automation