, follows: Input: an ONNX file created using an ML framework

, Convert the ONNX model to NIER (onnx parser)

, Convert NIER to a SMT-LIB (smtifyer) string, written on disk

, Add the property to validate to the existing SMT-LIB file

, Output: An SMT-LIB file that can be solved to prove the property. ;;;; Automatically generated part ;; Inputs declaration (declare-fun |actual_input_0_0_0_8| () Real)

, Weights declaration (declare-fun |l_1.weight_31_4| () Real) (assert (= |l_1, vol.31

, Outputs declaration (assert (= |actual_output_0_0_0_1| ( + |16_0_0_0_1| |l_3.bias_1| )))

, Property to check

, Formulate constraint on outputs

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