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A. Pointnet and ;. .. , 2 2.1 (a) Shows the principle of working of LiDAR; (b) Typical point cloud generated by high-definition LiDAR; (c) Point cloud generated from stereo cameras, Multiple object detection in 3D point clouds

]. .. and ]. .. , 12 2.5 (a)Spherical point-wise convolution operator centred at different points in a point cloud; (b) Convolutions in images; (c) Pointwise kernel and subdomains; Images reproduced from ACFR dataset and guide to arithmetic convolution

]. .. , 16 2.9 Architecture of Spatial Transformer Network

. Network and . .. Pointnet, 20 3.2 Architecture of Context Network; MLP -Multi-Layer Perceptron 21

, 2D illustration of working of 3D Transformer, p.24

. .. , Sample images of cluttered MNIST dataset, p.28

. .. Dataset, Sample images of ModelNet40 [41, p.29

. Acfr-sydney-urban and . .. Dataset, 30 4.4 30m x 30m Working area in blue rectangle, 10m x 10m crops in red squares

K. Augmented and . Dataset, each cropped region has 3 bounding boxes. The green bounding boxes represent the locations of car and red bounding boxes are random locations of non-car regions, p.32

, Autonomous vehicle platform

, Shows partitioning of point cloud by PointWise kernel into subdomains represented by different color. Points within a subdomain share same weight, ModelNet40 dataset, p.37

, Recurrent-STN Network with supervised localization, p.38

, Recurrent-STN Network without supervised localization, p.38

A. Pointnet, Each row shows a sequence of the predictions by the network. First four rows illustrates scenarios where network successfully identified and localised the car. Whereas last two rows shows failure cases, p.44

, Attentional PointNet on Team Chroma Inria dataset, vol.45

, 36 5.2 Performance comparison in 3D detection: average precision (in %) on KITTI validation set. BV -Birdeye View