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J. S. Pillai and ;. .. , 368 Gyöngyi Fekete and Andrés Lucero Technology, Theatre and Co-design: Impact and Design Considerations, Amarnath Murugan, and Amal Dev P(L)AY ATTENTION! Co-designing for and with Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), p.387

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B. B. Velichkovsky, N. Khromov, A. Korotin, E. Burnaev, and A. Somov,

I. Personas and . .. Use-case-models, 699 Elodie Bouzekri, Alexandre Canny, Célia Martinie, Philippe Palanque, and Christine Gris Detecting and Influencing Driver Emotions Using Psycho-Physiological Sensors and Ambient Light, Taufik Akbar Sitompul

J. and D. Martinez-plasencia, On the Reliability and Factorial Validity of the Assessment Scale for Creative