, Ok (g,pc,p,e))#l) = (case p.(pc) of, smallstep

, Call (gcall,ccall,name) ? if ((gcall>0)?(ccall>0)? (((length l)+1)<stack_lim)? ((gcall+ccall)?g)) then (case e(name) of None ?

#. Ok,

, execute

, As explained in the introduction, implementations generally use a slightly different semantics for the call: g is retracted to c 1 at the calling point for c 2 and g ref und is added when the control flow returns from c 2 . This is the case for (pevm, 2017) (see class BaseCall and class Call(BaseCall, The corresponding call stack will thus be

O. ,

O. ,

, Note that the ordering used for the previous semantics does not satisfy those constraints

. However, The termination ordering is a lexicographic combination of an order comparing the sum of all gas in the frames, an order comparing the size of the call stack, and finally an order comparing the type of the frame (where Ok > Halt > Exception). See (EFSimplem, 2020) for the complete formalization and Isabelle/HOL proof. The Isabelle/HOL development is around 900 lines. The proof of soundness is very similar to the previous one, p.20

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