, Source It is an F-type asteroid , which means that it is very dark in colouring ( darker than soot ) with a carbonaceous composition, vol.1, p.0

, It is an F-type asteroid , which means that it is very dark in colouring ( darker than soot ) with a carbonaceous composition . NbChars 0.75 It is an F-type asteroid

, It is an F-type asteroid , which means that it is very dark in colouring ( darker than soot ) with a carbonaceous composition

, It is an F-type asteroid , which means that it is very dark in colouring ( darker than soot ) made up of carbonate metal

, F-type asteroids can be made up of darker than soot ( darker than soot ) , or darker ( darker than soot ) , or dark ( darker )

, naming the moon ) was discovered by Eros in 2005 by, 2003.

, It is an F-type asteroid , which means that it is very dark in colouring ( darker than soot ) with a carbonaceous composition

, It is an F-type asteroid , which means that it is very dark in colouring ( darker than soot ) with a made of carbonate

, It is an F-type asteroid , which means that it is very dark in colouring ( darker than soot ) with a very dark made up of

, It is an F-type asteroid , which means that it is very dark in colouring ( darker than soot ) with a carbonaceous composition

, It is an F-type asteroid , which means that it is very dark in colouring ( darker than soot ) with a carbonaceous composition

F. Martin, L. Scarton, C. Specia, and L. , It means that it is very dark in colouring ( darker than soot ) with a carbonaceous composition . DepTreeDepth 0.25 +NbChars1.00 It is an F-type asteroid . It means that it is very dark in colouring ( darker than soot ) with a carbonaceous composition . 8. Bibliographical References Alva-Manchego, 2019.

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