, S 1 ) and (G 2 , S 2 ) have the same number of occurrences of every r-type

, S2) (h(x)) = tp k (G1,S1) (x) There is nothing to prove for k = 0. Moving from k to k + 1, let x ? A 1 and let y be such that dist G1 (x, y) = d, for some 1 ? d ? k + 1. Note that y ? B, hence it has an image by h, We prove by induction on 0 ? k ? r that ?x ? A 1 , tp k (G2

, Because of (Layer[r]), it only remains to show that the S -successors of x and h(x), as well as their S -predecessors

, Let's prove this for the successors, respectively named x + and h(x) + . If x + ? A 1 , then by construction h(x) + = h(x + ), and the induction hypothesis allows us to conclude

, Otherwise, neither x + nor h(x) + belongs to A 1 . Under this hypothesis, Lemma 4.7 ensures that tp r G2 (h(x) + ) = tp r G2 (h(x)) = tp r G1 (x) = tp r G1 (x + )

. Now,

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