, |H(u)| into a list L. The algorithm then processed the triples in L, and computes the number of common descendants for each strong bridge. Thus, it is sufficient to replace H(u) with the number of ordinary vertices in H(u)

, Given the dominator trees D and D R , the loop nesting trees H and H R , and the common bridges of G

, After the refine operation in Line 12, a component B = S ? {x} will be created. The fact that x, y ? H(z) implies z ? c(w). Therefore, the nearest common ancestor of x and y in H is also a child of w, so u is not removed from B in Line 18. By the symmetric arguments we have that x and y are also not separated into different components during the pass in the reverse direction. We prove now that if x and y are not vertex-resilient then they will be located in different components at the end of the algorithm

, If x and y are neither siblings nor one is the parent of the other in D or D R , then by Corollary 7.3 they are not vertex-resilient. So x and y are correctly placed in different components during the initialization in Lines 6-7. Thus, we assume that x and y are either siblings of one is the parent of the other

, Suppose, without loss of generality, that y = d(x)

, Suppose x and y are siblings. In this case, x and y will be in separate sets in the collection S computed in Line 11, so they will be placed in different components after the execution of the refine operation in Line 12. Now suppose x = d(y). Then, the nearest common ancestor of y and x in H is not a proper descendant of w, different strongly connected components in G \ w. So, by Lemma 6.3, x and y cannot be in the same subtree H(z)

, Let D and H be the dominator tree and the loop nesting forest, respectively, of a flow of d(x) in T , then clearly d(x) is not a proper dominator of h(x)

, Let y be the child of d(x) that is an ancestor of h(x) in D. Since h(x) is not a sibling of x in D, y = h(x). Also, y = x by the fact that h(x) is a proper ancestor of x in T . Then, Lemma 2.5 implies that ? contains y, so y ? H(h(x)). But since y is a proper dominator of h(x), it is a proper ancestor of h(x) in T , a contradiction, By the definition of h(x), there is a path ? in G s from x to h(x) such that, for all vertices x in ?, x ? H(h(x))

, Corollary 7.10. Let D and H be the dominator tree and the loop nesting forest, respectively

, Theorem 7.11. Algorithm HDVRC runs in O(m + n) time, or in O(n) time if the dominator trees D and D R , and the loop nesting trees H and H R are given as input

, Line 26), this is done by iterating over the adjacency list of each vertex v ? c(u) (resp., v ? c R (u)) in the component forest F , and marking the component nodes that are visited at least twice. Now we bound the total number of vertices and nodes that we traverse in the component forest during this process. During the foreach loop in the "forward" (resp., "reverse") direction, we traverse every adjacency list of a vertex v at most twice, The initialization, including the computation of the G R , takes O(m + n) time. The computation of the dominator and loop nesting trees also takes O(m+n) time by

. ?-d(u), While we are processing u, we find its children x that satisfy the condition h(x) ?

, )|). Thus, by Lemma 7.7, each refine operation in Lines 11 and 27 takes time O(|c(u)|) and O(|c R (u)|), respectively, which is O(n) in total. Finally, since the component forest contains at most n ? 1 components at any given time, the loops in Lines 14-21 and 30-37 execute at most 2(n?1) nearest common ancestor (nca) calculations, For each such child x, we do a preorder traversal H(x) as follows. When we are at a vertex x we visit only the children of x in H that are siblings of x in D. By Corollary 7.10, a vertex is in H(x) ? c(u) if and only if it is visited during this traversal of H(x)

, We remark that we can extend Algorithm HDVRC in the same way as for HD2ECC (see Section

, All our bounds are asymptotically tight. Our work raises some new and perhaps intriguing questions. First, using the algorithmic framework developed in this paper, we can find in linear time an edge or a vertex whose removal minimizes/maximizes several properties of the resulting strongly connected components, such as their number, or their largest or their smallest size. Can our approach be used to find in linear time an edge (resp., a vertex) whose removal optimizes some more complex properties of the resulting strongly connected components? In particular, can we find an edge e (resp., a vertex v) that minimizes/maximizes a given function f (|C 1 |, |C 2 |, We have presented a collection of O(n)-space data structures that, after O(m + n)-time preprocessing, can solve efficiently several problems, including reporting in O(n) worst-case time all the strongly connected components obtained after deleting a single edge (resp

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