%description: % perform all the scale space analysis %param: % img = image file name % deepness = deepness of the scale space %result: % edge_gx, edge_gy = x and y gradient value over the scale space for each fine scale edge pixel % edge_norm = normalized gradient norm over the scale space for each fine scale edge pixel % ss_canny = canny edges scale space % life_time_map = lifetime of each edge pixel over the scale space % best_scale_nb = best scale of each edge pixel function [edge_gx,edge_gy, edge_norm,ss_canny,life_time_map, best_scale_nb] = make_scale_spaces(img, deepness) %%read the input image %f = imread(img); f = img; %convert to luminance fg = rgb2gray(f); %make it double fg = (double(fg(:,:,1))/255.0); f = (double(f(:,:,:))/255.0); %apply a sigma=0.8 blur because the scale space analysis only starts at sigma=0.8 h = fspecial('gaussian',3,0.8); fg = imfilter(fg,h); f = imfilter(f,h); tic; %create first derivative scale space [ss_x,ss_y,ss_norm] = scale_space_deriv(fg,f, deepness); %create Canny edges scale space ss_canny = scale_space_canny(fg, deepness); %compute the lifetime information from the canny scale space [life_time_map,ss_canny] = scale_map_canny(ss_canny, deepness); %edge linking [edge_norm, edge_gx, edge_gy] = scale_space_link(ss_canny, ss_norm, ss_x, ss_y, life_time_map, deepness); %estimate the best scale best_scale_nb = best_scale(edge_norm, deepness); clear ss_x; clear ss_y; clear ss_norm; time_used = toc; disp(sprintf('Time for Scale Space generation = %f secs',time_used)); figure(); imshow(life_time_map);