T. If, then m ? meth(TA) if and only if altlook(m, TA) = fail. Proof. By induction on the derivation of altlook

T. , ?. ?ta, and ?. Ta, altlook(m, TA i ) = fail. Thus we have, by induction hypothesis altlook(m, TA) = fail ??

T. If, ) is a function

T. , T. , ?. ·. Ta, and T. , ? If m ? ?TA, then, there is a unique TA i ? TA where altlook(m, TA i ) = fail. ? If m ? ?TA, then, since TA is well-typed, the rule (Tr·Ok) enforces that m ? ?TA. Then, for all TA i ? TA, we have m ? meth(TA i ) ? m in TA i n in TA 1 . Moreover, we know that n ? meth(TA 1 ), by Lemma C.1 (Non Virtual Paths), which means that there is at least one altlook(n, TA 1 ) = B n (B x){. . .} which is derivable, by Lemma C.4 (meth Soundness). Thus, altlook(m, TA i ) = B m (B x){. . .} is derivable for all TA i such that m ? meth, ATr·Inh) If tlook i ) is a function which ensures they are all equal. Which obviously gives the result

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