\name{lasso.path-package} \alias{lasso.path-package} \alias{lasso.path} \docType{package} \title{ Computation of the LASSO regularization path } \description{ Computation of the Least Absolute Selection and Shrinkage operator regularization path: min (half squared residual) + lambda * (coefficient's L1-norm) for all or selected values of lambda. This package provides several methods of computation:\cr homotopy (\code{lasso.path.homotopy}),\cr iso-lambda descent (\code{lasso.path.isolambda_descent}),\cr cyclical coordinate descent (\code{lasso.path.ccd}). } \details{ \tabular{ll}{ Package: \tab lasso.path\cr Type: \tab Package\cr Version: \tab 1.0\cr Date: \tab 2010-08-03\cr License: \tab GPL 2\cr LazyLoad: \tab yes\cr } ~~ functions ~~ \code{lasso.path.homotopy}\cr \code{lasso.path.isolambda_descent}\cr \code{lasso.path.ccd} } \author{ Manuel Loth } \references{ } \keyword{ package } \keyword{ lasso }