@. Otherwise, By the induction hypothesis, this implies that (y (c,r) , v i ) was also marked Ifr) })?X i+1 and since (c, r) is marked with label ?+1 by the marking procedure in X i+1 , then (y (c,r) , y) must be marked by Mark(X i+1 ) with label at most ?. By the induction hypothesis, this implies that (y (c,r) , y) has been marked by Mark(X i ). Hence, it remains to show that y ? N k (r, G \ {x (c,r) , y (c,r) }) ? X i+1 . Let P be a path of length at most k between r and v i in G \ {x (c,r) , y (c,r) }. If x or y belongs to P, then we trivially get that y ? N k (r, G\{x (c,r) , y (c,r) })?X i+1, Otherwise, this means that r ? N k (v i , G \ {x, y}) ? X i and r ? N 1 (y) holds by definition of the bidismantling order. Hence, y ? N k (r, G \ {x (c,r) , y (c,r) }) ? X i+1 . References

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