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F. Figure, 8 ? A dielectric glass plate (n = 1.5) with isotropic Beckmann roughness (? = 0.4) on all faces (with the Smith masking function)

F. Figure, 10 ? A dielectric glass plate (n = 1.5) with anisotropic Beckmann roughness (? x = 0.03, ? y = 0.24) on all faces (with the Smith masking function)

F. Figure, 11 ? A dielectric glass plate (n = 1.5) with anisotropic Beckmann roughness (? x = 0.03, ? y = 0.48) on all faces (with the Smith masking function)

F. Figure, 14 ? A dielectric glass plate (n = 1.5) with isotropic GGX roughness (? = 0.4) on all faces (with the Smith masking function)

F. Figure, 15 ? A dielectric glass plate (n = 1.5) with isotropic GGX roughness (? = 0.8) on all faces (with the Smith masking function)

F. Figure, 16 ? A dielectric glass plate (n = 1.5) with anisotropic GGX roughness (? x = 0.05, ? y = 0.10) on all faces (with the Smith masking function)

F. Figure, 17 ? A dielectric glass plate (n = 1.5) with anisotropic GGX roughness (? x = 0.05, ? y = 0.20) on all faces (with the Smith masking function)