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A. Aaaaaaaa, 1 PPPP Programming Language PPPP is a SSSSSS inspired object-oriented and dynamically-typed generalpurpose language with its own programming environment The language has a simple and expressive syntax which can be learned in a few minutes Language concepts in PPPP are consistent, everything is an object: classes, methods, numbers , strings, even the execution context. PPPP runs on top of a bytecode-based virtual machine. Development takes place in an image in which all objects reside. All these objects can be modified by the programmer, this includes classes and methods. Hence, we eliminate the typical edit/compile/run cycle and instead incrementally add, remove or modify classes and methods. It is worth noting that all classes can be extended with new methods in PPPP. For instance, one can add new operations on integers or strings, classes that are treated as unchangeable internal objects by many other high-level languages, For deployment and debugging, the state of a running image can be saved at any point and subsequently restored