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. Avenue-de-l-'europe, 38330 Montbonnot, France Email: Jakob.Verbeek@inria.fr Webpage: http://thoth.inrialpes.fr/?verbeek Citizenship: Dutch, Date of birth, 1975.

C. Vitae, ?. Jakob-verbeek-academic-prof, . Dr, . F. Ir, D. Groen et al., Thesis: Mixture models for clustering and dimension reduction Thesis: An information theoretic approach to finding word groups for text classification Thesis: Overfitting using the minimum description length principle. Awards 2011 ? Outstanding Reviewer Award Professional Activities Participation in Research Projects 2016-2018 ? Structured prediction for weakly supervised semantic segmentation, funded by Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research (FAIR) Paris and French national research and technology agency (ANRT). 2015-2016 ? Incremental learning for object category localization, Informatics Institute Dutch National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science & University of Amsterdam. Advisors: Prof. Dr. P. Vitányi, Dr. P. GrünwaldGr¨Grünwald, and Dr. R. de Wolf ? Outstanding Reviewer Award, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition ? Researcher (CR1), INRIA RhôneRh?Rhône-Alpes-2005 ? Postdoc, Intelligent Autonomous Systems group, Informatics Institute MBDA Systems. 2013-2016 ? Physionomie: Physiognomic Recognition for Forensic Investigation , funded by French national research agency (ANR). 2011-2015 ? AXES: Access to Audiovisual Archives, European integrated project, 7th Framework Programme. 2010-2013 ? Quaero Consortium for Multimodal Person Recognition, funded by French national research agency (ANR). 2009-2012 ? Modeling multi-media documents for cross-media access, funded by Xerox Research Centre Europe (XRCE) and French national research and technology agency (ANRT). 2008-2010 ? Interactive Image Search, funded by French national research agency (ANR). 2006-2009 ? Cognitive-Level Annotation using Latent Statistical Structure (CLASS), funded by European Union Sixth Framework Programme. 2000-2005 ? Tools for Non-linear Data Analysis, funded by Dutch Technology Foundation (STW), 1998.

@. Veni, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) Miscellaneous Research Visits 2011 ? Visiting researcher Statistical Machine Learning group, Miscellaneous (continued) Summer Schools & Workshops 2015 ? DGA workshop on Big Data in Multimedia Information Processing, 2003.

. @bullet-statlearn-workshop, 2014 ? 3rd Croatian Computer Vision Workshop, Center of Excellence for Computer Vision, ? 2nd IST Workshop on Computer Vision and Machine Learning, 2011.

@. Texmex-team, . Inria, and F. Rennes, Image categorization using Fisher kernels of non-iid image models Modelling spatial layout for image classification, ? Statistical Machine Learning group, 2011.

L. @bullet-parole-group, @. G. Nancy, J. Cinbis, C. Verbeek, and . Schmid, ? Content Analysis group, Xerox Research Centre Europe, Manifold learning: unsupervised, correspondences, and semi-supervised. 2005 ? Learning and Recognition in Vision group, INRIA RhôneRh?Rhône-Alpes, Manifold learning & image segmentation Manifold learning with local linear models and Gaussian fields. 2004 ? Algorithms and Complexity group, Dutch Center for Mathematics and Computer Science, Semi-supervised dimension reduction through smoothing on graphs Spectral methods for dimension reduction and nonlinear CCA A generative model for the Self-Organizing Map. Publications In peer reviewed international journals Weakly Supervised Object Localization with Multi-fold Multiple Instance Learning, ? Information and Language Processing Systems group ? G. Cinbis, J. Verbeek, C. Schmid. Approximate Fisher kernels of non-iid image models for image categorization. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2002.

@. H. Wang, D. Oneat¸?oneat¸?-a, J. Verbeek, and C. Schmid, A Robust and Efficient Video Representation for Action Recognition, International Journal of Computer Vision, vol.103, issue.1, 2015.
DOI : 10.1007/s11263-015-0846-5

URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01145834

@. M. Douze, J. Revaud, J. Verbeek, H. Jégou, and C. Schmid, Circulant Temporal Encoding for Video Retrieval and Temporal Alignment, International Journal of Computer Vision, vol.33, issue.4, 2013.
DOI : 10.1007/s11263-015-0875-0

URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01162603

@. J. Sánchez, F. Perronnin, T. Mensink, and J. Verbeek, Image Classification with the Fisher Vector: Theory and Practice, International Journal of Computer Vision, vol.73, issue.2, pp.222-245, 2013.
DOI : 10.1007/s11263-013-0636-x

@. T. Mensink, J. Verbeek, F. Perronnin, and G. Csurka, Distance-Based Image Classification: Generalizing to New Classes at Near-Zero Cost, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol.35, issue.11, pp.2624-2637, 2013.
DOI : 10.1109/TPAMI.2013.83

URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00817211

@. T. Mensink, J. Verbeek, G. Csurka, @. M. Guillaumin, T. Mensink et al., Tree-Structured CRF Models for Interactive Image Labeling, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol.35, issue.2, pp.476-489, 2010.
DOI : 10.1109/TPAMI.2012.100

URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00688143

@. D. Larlus, J. Verbeek, and F. Jurie, Category Level Object Segmentation by Combining Bag-of-Words Models with Dirichlet Processes and Random Fields, International Journal of Computer Vision, vol.77, issue.1???3, pp.238-253, 2009.
DOI : 10.1007/s11263-009-0245-x

URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/inria-00439303

@. J. Van-de-weijer, C. Schmid, J. Verbeek, D. Larlus, @. J. Verbeek et al., Learning Color Names for Real-World Applications, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol.18, issue.7, pp.1512-1523, 2006.
DOI : 10.1109/TIP.2009.2019809

URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/inria-00439284

@. J. Verbeek and N. Vlassis, Gaussian fields for semi-supervised regression and correspondence learning, Pattern Recognition, vol.39, issue.10, pp.1864-1875, 2006.
DOI : 10.1016/j.patcog.2006.04.011

URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/inria-00321133

@. J. Verbeek, Learning nonlinear image manifolds by global alignment of local linear models, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol.28, issue.8, pp.1236-1250, 2005.
DOI : 10.1109/TPAMI.2006.166

URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/inria-00321131

@. J. Porta, J. Verbeek, and B. Krösekr¨kröse, Active Appearance-Based Robot Localization Using Stereo Vision, Autonomous Robots, vol.18, issue.1, pp.59-80, 2005.
DOI : 10.1023/B:AURO.0000047287.00119.b6

URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/inria-00321476

@. J. Verbeek, N. Vlassis, and B. Krösekr¨kröse, Self-organizing mixture models, Neurocomputing, vol.63, pp.99-123, 2003.
DOI : 10.1016/j.neucom.2004.04.008

URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/inria-00321479

@. J. Verbeek, N. Vlassis, and B. Krösekr¨kröse, Efficient Greedy Learning of Gaussian Mixture Models, Neural Computation, vol.35, issue.1, pp.469-485, 2003.
DOI : 10.1214/aos/1176344374

URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/inria-00321487

@. A. Likas, N. Vlassis, and J. Verbeek, The global k-means clustering algorithm, Pattern Recognition, vol.36, issue.2, pp.451-461, 2002.
DOI : 10.1016/S0031-3203(02)00060-2

URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/inria-00321493

@. J. Verbeek, N. Vlassis, and B. Krösekr¨kröse, A k-segments algorithm for finding principal curves, Pattern Recognition Letters, vol.23, issue.8, pp.1009-1017, 2002.
DOI : 10.1016/S0167-8655(02)00032-6

URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/inria-00321497

@. D. Oneat¸?oneat¸?-a, J. Verbeek, C. Schmid, @. G. Cinbis, J. Verbeek et al., Efficient Action Localization with Approximately Normalized Fisher Vectors Segmentation Driven Object Detection with Fisher Vectors, Proceedings IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2013.

@. D. Oneat¸?oneat¸?-a, J. Verbeek, C. Schmid, @. T. Mensink, J. Verbeek et al., Action and Event Recognition with Fisher Vectors on a Compact Feature Set Metric learning for large scale image classification: generalizing to new classes at near-zero cost, Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Proceedings European Conference on Computer Vision, 2012.

@. G. Cinbis, J. Verbeek, and C. Schmid, Image categorization using Fisher kernels of non-iid image models, 2012 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2011.
DOI : 10.1109/CVPR.2012.6247926

URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00685943

@. J. Krapac, J. Verbeek, and F. Jurie, Modeling spatial layout with fisher vectors for image categorization, 2011 International Conference on Computer Vision, 2011.
DOI : 10.1109/ICCV.2011.6126406

URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/inria-00612277

@. G. Cinbis, J. Verbeek, and C. Schmid, Unsupervised metric learning for face identification in TV video, 2011 International Conference on Computer Vision, 2011.
DOI : 10.1109/ICCV.2011.6126415

URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/inria-00611682

@. J. Krapac, J. Verbeek, and F. Jurie, Learning tree-structured descriptor quantizers for image categorization, Proceedings British Machine Vision Conference, 2011.
URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/inria-00613118

@. T. Mensink, J. Verbeek, G. Csurka, @. M. Guillaumin, J. Verbeek et al., Learning structured prediction models for interactive image labeling Multiple instance metric learning from automatically labeled bags of faces, Proceedings IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Proceedings European Conference on Computer Vision, 2010.

@. M. Guillaumin, J. Verbeek, and C. Schmid, Multimodal semi-supervised learning for image classication, Proceedings IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2010.

@. J. Krapac, M. Allan, J. Verbeek, and F. Jurie, Improving web image search results using query-relative classifiers, 2010 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2010.
DOI : 10.1109/CVPR.2010.5540092

URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/inria-00548636

@. T. Mensink, J. Verbeek, and G. Csurka, Trans Media Relevance Feedback for Image Autoannotation, Procedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2010, 2010.
DOI : 10.5244/C.24.20

URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/inria-00548632

@. T. Mensink, J. Verbeek, and H. Kappen, EP for efficient stochastic control with obstacles, Proceedings European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2010.
URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/inria-00548631

@. J. Verbeek, M. Guillaumin, T. Mensink, and C. Schmid, Image annotation with tagprop on the MIRFLICKR set, Proceedings of the international conference on Multimedia information retrieval, MIR '10, 2009.
DOI : 10.1145/1743384.1743476

URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/inria-00548628

@. M. Guillaumin, T. Mensink, J. Verbeek, and C. Schmid, TagProp: Discriminative metric learning in nearest neighbor models for image auto-annotation, 2009 IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer Vision, 2009.
DOI : 10.1109/ICCV.2009.5459266

URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/inria-00439276

@. M. Guillaumin, J. Verbeek, and C. Schmid, Is that you? Metric learning approaches for face identification, 2009 IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer Vision, 2009.
DOI : 10.1109/ICCV.2009.5459197

URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/inria-00439290

@. M. Allan, J. M. @bullet, T. Guillaumin, J. Mensink, C. Verbeek et al., Verbeek Ranking user-annotated images for multiple query terms Automatic face naming with caption-based supervision, Proceedings British Machine Vision Conference Proceedings IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp.1-8, 2008.

@. T. Mensink and J. Verbeek, Improving People Search Using Query Expansions, Proceedings European Conference on Computer Vision, pp.86-99, 2008.
DOI : 10.1007/978-3-540-88688-4_7

URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/inria-00321045

@. J. Verbeek and B. Triggs, Scene segmentation with CRFs learned from partially labeled images, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, pp.1553-1560, 2008.
URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/inria-00321051

@. H. Cevikalp, J. Verbeek, F. Jurie, A. Kläser, @. J. Van-de-weijer et al., Semi-supervised dimensionality reduction using pairwise equivalence constraints Learning color names from real-world images, Proceedings International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications Proceedings IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp.489-496, 2007.

@. J. Verbeek and B. Triggs, Region Classification with Markov Field Aspect Models, 2007 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp.1-8, 2007.
DOI : 10.1109/CVPR.2007.383098

URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/inria-00321129

@. J. Van-de-weijer, C. Schmid, J. Verbeek, @. Z. Zivkovic, J. Verbeek et al., Using high-level visual information for color constancy Transformation invariant component analysis for binary images Non-linear CCA and PCA by alignment of local models, Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Proceedings IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 16, pp.1-8, 2003.

@. J. Porta, J. Verbeek, and B. Krösekr¨kröse, Enhancing appearance-based robot localization using non-dense disparity maps, Proceedings International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp.980-985, 2003.

@. J. Verbeek, N. Vlassis, and B. Krösekr¨kröse, Self-organization by optimizing free-energy, Proceedings 11th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, pp.125-130, 2002.
URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/inria-00321491

@. J. Verbeek, N. Vlassis, and B. Krösekr¨kröse, Coordinating Principal Component Analyzers, Proceedings International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, pp.914-919, 2002.
DOI : 10.1007/3-540-46084-5_148

URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/inria-00321498

@. J. Verbeek, N. Vlassis, and B. Krösekr¨kröse, Fast nonlinear dimensionality reduction with topology preserving networks, Proceedings 10th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, pp.193-198, 2001.
URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/inria-00321500

@. J. Verbeek, N. Vlassis, and B. Krösekr¨kröse, A Soft k-Segments Algorithm for Principal Curves, Proceedings International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, pp.450-456, 2001.
DOI : 10.1007/3-540-44668-0_63

URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/inria-00321506

@. T. Book-chapters-2013, J. Mensink, F. Verbeek, G. Perronnin, G. Csurka et al., Large scale metric learning for distance-based image classification on open ended data sets Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Color in Computer Vision, Wiley, 2012. Workshops and regional conferences 2015 ? S. Saxena, and J. Verbeek. Coordinated Local Metric Learning. ICCV ChaLearn Looking at People workshop, 2012.

@. V. Zadrija, J. Krapac, J. Verbeek, S. Segvi´csegvi´c, @. M. Douze et al., Patch-level Spatial Layout for Classification and Weakly Supervised Localization German Conference on Pattern Recognition The INRIA-LIM-VocR and AXES submissions to Trecvid 2014 Multimedia Event Detection, 2013.

@. H. Bredin, J. Poignant, G. Fortier, M. Tapaswi, V. Le et al., QCompere @ REPERE 2013 Workshop on Speech, Language and Audio for Multimedia, Parkhi, and R. Arandjelovic, A. Zisserman, F. Basura, and T. Tuytelaars. AXES at TRECVid 2012: KIS, INS, and MED. TRECVID Workshop, 2012.

@. H. Bredin, J. Poignant, M. Tapaswi, G. Fortier, V. Bac-le et al., Fusion of Speech, Faces and Text for Person Identification in TV Broadcast, Learning to Rank and Quadratic Assignment. NIPS Workshop on Discrete Optimization in Machine Learning ? T. Mensink, G. Csurka, F. Perronnin, J. Sánchez, and J. Verbeek. LEAR and XRCEs participation to Visual Concept Detection Task -ImageCLEF 2010. Working Notes for the CLEF 2010 Workshop, 2010.
DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-33885-4_39

URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00722884

@. M. Guillaumin, T. Mensink, J. Verbeek, C. Schmid, @. M. Douze et al., Apprentissage de distance pour l'annotation d'images par plus proches voisins. Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle INRIA-LEARs participation to ImageCLEF Working Notes for the CLEF, ? J. Nunnink, J. Verbeek, and N. Vlassis. Accelerated greedy mixture learning. Proceedings Annual Machine Learning Conference of Belgium and the Netherlands, pp.80-86, 2003.
URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/inria-00439309

@. J. Verbeek, N. Vlassis, and J. Nunnink, A variational EM algorithm for large-scale mixture modeling, Proceedings Conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging, pp.136-143, 2003.
URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/inria-00321486

@. J. Verbeek, N. Vlassis, and B. Krösekr¨kröse, Non-linear feature extraction by the coordination of mixture models, Proceedings Conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging, pp.287-293, 2002.
URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/inria-00321490

@. J. Verbeek, N. Vlassis, and B. Krösekr¨kröse, Locally linear generative topographic mapping, Proceedings Annual Machine Learning Conference of Belgium and the Netherlands, pp.79-86, 2001.
URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/inria-00321501

@. J. Verbeek, N. Vlassis, and B. Krösekr¨kröse, Efficient Greedy Learning of Gaussian Mixture Models, Proceedings 13th Belgian- Dutch Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp.251-258, 2001.
DOI : 10.1214/aos/1176344374

URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/inria-00321487

@. J. Verbeek, N. Vlassis, and B. Krösekr¨kröse, Greedy Gaussian mixture learning for texture segmentation. (oral) ICANN Workshop on Kernel and Subspace Methods for Computer Vision, Publications, pp.37-46, 2000.
URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/inria-00321513

@. J. Verbeek and @. J. Verbeek, Supervised feature extraction for text categorization Using a sample-dependent coding scheme for two-part MDL, Proceedings Annual Machine Learning Conference of Belgium and the Netherlands Proceedings Machine Learning & Applications (ACAI '99), 1999.

@. T. Mensink, J. Verbeek, G. Csurka, F. Perronnin, @. T. Mensink et al., Metric Learning for Nearest Class Mean Classifiers United States Patent Application 20140029839, Publication date: 01/30/2014, filing date: 07/30/2012, XEROX Corporation Learning Structured prediction models for interactive image labeling. United States Patent Application 20120269436, Publication date: 25, XEROX Corporation Retrieval systems and methods employing probabilistic cross-media relevance feedback, p.31, 2010.

@. J. Sanchez, F. Perronnin, T. Mensink, J. Verbeek, @. T. Mensink et al., Image classification with the Fisher vector: theory and practice Large scale metric learning for distance-based image classification Region-based image classification with a latent SVM model, 2011.

@. J. Krapac, J. Verbeek, and F. Jurie, Spatial Fisher vectors for image categorization, 2011.
URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/inria-00613572

@. T. Mensink, J. Verbeek, G. Csurka, @. M. Guillaumin, T. Mensink et al., Weighted transmedia relevance feedback for image retrieval and autoannotation Face recognition from caption-based supervision Category level object segmentation by combining bag-of-words models and Markov random fields, ? J. Verbeek, and N. Vlassis. Semi-supervised learning with Gaussian fields, 2005.

@. J. Verbeek, Rodent behavior annotation from video, ? J. Verbeek, and N. Vlassis. Gaussian mixture learning from noisy data, 2002.
URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/inria-00548500

@. J. Verbeek, N. Vlassis, and B. Krösekr¨kröse, The generative self-organizing map: a probabilistic generalization of Kohonen's SOM, 2002.

@. J. Verbeek, N. Vlassis, B. Krösekr¨kröse, @. A. Likas, N. Vlassis et al., Procrustes analysis to coordinate mixtures of probabilistic principal component analyzers The global k-means clustering algorithm, 2001.

@. J. Verbeek, N. Vlassis, and B. Krösekr¨kröse, Efficient Greedy Learning of Gaussian Mixture Models, Neural Computation, vol.35, issue.1, 2000.
DOI : 10.1214/aos/1176344374

URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/inria-00321487

@. J. Verbeek, N. Vlassis, and B. Krösekr¨kröse, A k-segments algorithm for finding principal curves, Pattern Recognition Letters, vol.23, issue.8, 2000.
DOI : 10.1016/S0167-8655(02)00032-6

URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/inria-00321497