. .. Influence-balancing, 47 4.6.2 Character-level Penn Treebank language model, p.49

, Can Recurrent Neural Networks Warp Time? 52

, From time warping invariance to gating

T. .. , , p.58

.. .. Experiments,

. .. Framework, 68 6.1.2 Return, state value function and goal formulation

. .. Reinforcement, 72 6.2.1 Policy improvement Q-learning and SARSA

.. .. Contributions,

, Reproducing Recurrent World Models Facilitate Policy Evolution 77

. .. Methods, 79 7.1.1 Reproducibility of the original results, 80 7.1.4 Mixture Density Recurrent Neural Network (MDN-RNN) training 80 7.1.5 Controller training with CMAES

. .. Results,

.. .. Conclusion,

, 2 There is No Q-Function in Continuous Time, p.90

. .. Limit, Reinforcement Learning with a Continuous-Time

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, On certain environments, network inputs are normalized by applying a mean-std normalization, with mean and standard deviations computed on each individual input features

, ? D is a cyclic buffer of size 1000000

, ? nb steps is set to 10, and 256 environments are run in parallel to accelerate the training procedure, totalling 2560 environment interactions between learning steps

, ? The physical ? is set to 0.8. It is always scaled as ? ?t (even for unscaled DQN and DDPG)

, ? N , the batch size is set to 256

, RMSprop is used as an optimizer without momentum, and with ? = 1 ? ?t (or 1 ? ?t 0 for unscaled DDPG and DQN)

, ? Exploration is always performed as described in the main text. The OU process used as parameters ? = 7.5, ? = 1

, Unless otherwise stated, ? 1 :=? Q marked with a (C), discrete actions environments with a (D)

?. Ant, State normalization is used. Discretization range

?. Cheetah, State normalization is used. Discretization range