. .. Co-presence, 332 6.4.4 -/dwa/ and /hd?r?/: hypotheses on social meanings

. .. Conclusions, 349 7.4 -A further step in the understanding of convergence

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.. .. Appendix-a--hidden-camera-pranks,

B. Appendix, Excerpts from the corpus

;. .. Appendix-c--behnstedt, 420 SO: /a:-hi:ja ka:-tb?dd?l g?lt li:-h r?a t?qd?r tku:n ?a f mdi:na/ LTm: /?a:h/ SO: /??h ka:r?tji m?a:-ka:r?tji k?-jku:n mb?ddla l-l?h?a u:-l-aksã/ LTm: /l-l?h?a/ SO: /?i:r l-aksã u.../ LTm: /hi:ja l-m??na/ SO: /mu:s?t?a:la:?a:t/ LTm: /kull-ha ka:-ttfh?m ja:k ?i:r l-mu:s?t?a:la:?a:t ki:mma ga:l si:-m??mm?d ma... ka:-tku:n ?wi:ja

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, LTm: That is, the meaning

S. :. , some terms LTm: ...is always clear, right? Just specific terms, as the sir said, are not... are a bit hard

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, GM: /k?-j??rd?u ?li:-h/ SO: /?a:bna:k t?-jtt?fqu m?a:-h/ GM: /?a:bna:k k?-j??rd?u ?li:-h fi:n ?a:-tt??t?t? l... kda hna n?3t?i:w-?k t?u:mu:b?i:l? u:-da:r? kda u:-ha:di ?i:la:-?a:xi:ri:-h ka:-d?i l-bãk l-x w ra ka:-t??t?i:-k ta:-hi:ja da:r? u:-t?u:mu:b?i:l? ?a:hsa:n-ma:-ka:j?n u:-kda ?i:la:-?a:xi:ri:-h lmu:hi:mm ?a:-t... tv?r?s?i li:-na ha:d l... l-m?lja:r? wa:??d lmudda dja:l-?a:m/ (...) /xu:-na a:-s?a:?b-i da:r pr?u:ji ??t?t? l-flu:s dja:l-u f-bãk ?-?a:?bi

?. /?r?a, We'll give you a car and a house, /bna:-ha kda u:-n?d?d?a ?-??ul d-d-d-da ba:? ?-?u:qa... ma:?i kr?a:-hum ??h ma:?i ba:?-hum ja:-r??bb-i kr?a:-hum ?u:qa:q (??a:l fi:-ha) fi:-ha tm?nja kr?a:-hum l-t??t dja:l-ha kr?a:-ha l-bãk ?-?a:?bi/ SO: /mi:ti:n m?lju:n u:-???ri:n a:lf d?rh?m l-?-?h?r/ GM: /ts??nn?t li:-ja 333 a:-xu:-na lli k?-jx?dd?m d-dma:? m?l?ja:r? ?b?d bi:-ha l-ma:l?a:ji:r?/ SO: /zi:d/ GM: /ts??nn?t-l-i wa:la:ki:n a:-xu:-ja ha:di:k r?a:-h ?ra:m GM: They invite him. SO: Banks make agreements with him

, Er, not "sold them" -good Lord -they rented them out! Flats, (how many were there), eight. They rented them out, and the Banque Populaire leased the ground floor. SO: 200 million and 20,000 dirhams a month. GM: Listen to me very well, bro! When someone makes their head work, they take one billion and make more billions out of it! SO: Go on! GM: Listen to me, At the old Miloud's. GM: Anyway, the Banque Populaire

, ma:?i su:q-na da:ba x?lli:-na f-l-m?nja:r? 334 / GM: (laughing) /x?lli:na f-l-m?l?ju:r? da:ba l-qa:d?i:ja

, serious) /hi:ja ha:di:k a:-xu:-ja/ SO: /x?dd?m l-flu:s l-flu:s x?dma:t/ GM: /l-flu:s x?dma:t u.../ SO: /tr??ww?a:t l-qa:d?i:ja/ GM: /tba:r?k-l?l?a:h l?l?a:-jba:r?k/ SO: /ha ha/ GM: /x?rr?? ?u:? t?u:mu:b?i:l?a:t ?a:xi:r-ma:-ka:j?n/ SO: /zi:d/ GM: /k?-j?i:? bi:-hum xda vi:l?l?a f... f-?a:jj r-ri:ja:d? 335 / SO: /ha ha/ GM: /xda ?i:ma:ra hna

, SO: /wa:-r?a:-ta:-t??t?a ?a:-l-ha:du:k/ bro! It needs sanctioning! SO: Go on, gu:l li:-ja a:-xu:-ja ?nu ?a:-ndi:r m?a:-ha:d s-s?jj?d a:na:ja/ SO: (laughing) /ki:-?a:-ddi:r m?a:-h u:-nta ma:-l-?k a:-s?a:?b-i/ GM: /?a:h/ SO: /u:-nta fi:n ??nd-?k l-mu:?ki:l/ GM: /wa:-r?a fi:h d?-d?i:fu ha:d s-s?jj?d/ SO: /ki:fa:? fi:-h d?-d?i:fu/ GM: /ga:j/ SO: /?i:wa 336 / GM: /f-l-l?xx?r xr??

, He got a villa in... in ??yy r-R?y??. SO: Huh-uh! GM: He got a building in n-N?ms?ya. SO: Huh-uh! GM: He got a house in... in... what's it called... in the surroundings of, The thing was made operative. GM: It really was, God bless! SO: Huh-uh! GM: He got two cars, the latest thing! SO: Go on! GM: He's always driving them

, What do you mean, GM: He's gay! SO: OK...! GM: Eventually

, SO: Well, all is given to them! GM: A guy came telling me he was spending the night out

, GM's reply also plays on this mockery

, The most upper-class district in Rabat. The following names are also of areas of districts in Rabat, Temara or surrounding centres

, The first vowel is emphatically lengthened ([?e::w?]) to mark how SS's astonishment is not as strong as GM's. GM: /ta:-r?a:-?a bna:d?m ga:l-l-?k ka:n s?hra:n

, /t?a:b?l?a m?qju:ma b-?i:-?u:? dra:h?m u:-x?msi:n/ SO: /hm hm/ GM: /?-qra:?i r?-r?wi:na kda r?a:-k ?a:r?f/ SO: /?u:? dra:h?m u:-x?msi:n hi:ja dø-mil-s?-sã di?am/ GM: /?a:h wa:-ts??nn?t li:-ja a:-bra:hi:m 337 ?wi:ja xu:-na gr?n f.../ SO: /xu:-na/ GM: /gr?n f-wa:??d s?-s?a:t? ?a:-h gr?n f-?-?ra:b/ SO: /wa:? hu:wa ga:j m?n ha:du:k lli k?-jtka:lu 338 u:la lli k?-j.../ GM: /?a:h ?u:f ?u:f ?u:f

, A complete table for two and a half dirhams. SO: Hm hm! GM: Two bottles, frenzy and so on, you know what I'm saying. SO: Two and a half dirhams means 2,500. GM: Yeah! And listen here, Brahim: soon enough, the guy fell for

, GM: He fell for one of the guys, yeah, under the influence of the alcohol. SO: Is he one of those gays who get eaten or who, the other guy

, ] et cetera. The other guy answered... I mean, he thought it normal, I mean, GM: Yeah, listen, listen, listen!

, Very nice, thank you, bro, thanks a lot!" and so on. Anyway, he went on talking to him like in a regular way, to be polite with him. SO: Of course! He was supposed to! GM: Yeah! [---] Then he said to him, he said, like nothing weird! SO: Huh-uh! GM: He went on talking to him and so on, he told him

, /) l-flu:s lli opened the boot and took out a suitcase, /??ll b?a:l?i:za ga:l li:-ja z-z?rqa:t 340 ms?ttfi:n b?a:nd?a:t da:k ?-?i dja:l-l-?a:fla:m w?lla:hi l-?a:d?i:m a:-xu:-ja b?a:l-lli ?tti:-ha b-?i:ni:-k a:-xu:-ja/ SO: /??? ma:-?li:-na/ GM: /ts??nn?t li:-ja b?a:nd?a:t m??t?u:t?i:n ga:l li:-h xu:-ja xu:d lli b?i:ti/ SO: /hna l-a:xur ?a:-jbda jdu:r? li:-h ?-??kk f-r?a:s-u/ GM: /wa:-ts??nn?t li:-ja ga:l li:-h h?zz lli b?i:ti a:-xu:-ja

, Take all you want, bro!, GM: Listen! He said

, Since the guy already knew he was rich, had made the thing, and had

, SO: He knew

G. :. ,

, Gosh! How come this guy wants to do this for me, I don't get it!" SO: You don't get something for nothing, GM: Yeah! SO: He had the guy's CV. GM: Yeah! After he did *tluck*, opened the suitcase and took out, showed him the stuff, the other guy's eyes went straight into the money and returned!

, like humiliation, like "the guy's humiliated me... to tell me: 'Take!'"! SO: He interpreted it like that, but the first thing I would picture in his shoes, GM: To him it was like

, We don't know! SO: I'd think of two possibilities

, GM: /?a:mma hu:wa b?a j... ?i:-ga:r?a:? ma:-?la:-ba:l-?k-?/ SO: /a:-nf?kk?r a:na f-?u:? ?wa:j??/ GM: /?wi:ja ga:l li:-h ga:l li:-h la l?l?a:-j?a:fd?-?k xu:-ja ga:l li:-h ??nd-i l-?a:mdu:-l-l?l?a:h l?l?a:-j?a:fd?-?k xu:-ja ?u:kr?a:n b?zza:f u:-ha:di

, He answered: "No, thanks bro!" and he said: "I've got enough, thank God! Thanks anyway bro, thanks a lot!" and so on, SO: /u:-ja:l?l?a:h n?m?i:w nk?mmlu l-qs?a:ra f-d-da:r?/ GM: /u:-n?b?i:w ?a:h g?l li:-h n?b?i:w nk?mmlu g?l li:-h nk?mmlu s-s?hra f-d-da:r? a:na u:-jja:k u:-nr?jj?u ga:l li:-h n?b?i:w nr?jj?u f-l-vi:lla fi:n-ma b?i:ti ga:l li:-h f-?a:jj rri:ja:d? u:la f-kda u:la f-kda ga:l li:-h r?a kulla b?l?a:s?a ??ndi fi:-ha l-l?i:ba ga:l li:-h ma:?i mu:?ki:l xu:d ra:?t-?k

, Let's go and continue the soiree at home, you and me, and relax!" and he said: "Let's go relax at the villa, wherever you want!", he said: "In ??jj r-R?y??, or here, or there, Good idea! GM: ...push the guy forward and see what he'd say. SO: What he had in his mind. GM: He answered

, the picture must have taken shape in his mind. GM: At that point

, There's something fishy!" GM: The guy, it became clear. GM: It went: "Bing!" SO: He thought

, Come to bed with me"! That's how he explained that to him eventually! SO: Yeah, he can say that clearly, he wouldn't, mate! GM: He said

/. Ma and .. , ja ma:-j?mk?n-? g?l li:-h da:ba da:j?r m?a d-dra:ri u:-kda ba:?i n?sh?r m?a:-d-dra:ri hna ga:l li:-h s?a:fi m?r?r?a xra u:-kda hu:wa i ga:l li:-h d?ri:ba b-lqa:l?b s?ll r?a:s-u m?n-ha, /f?kk?rt n?nz?l lmm-u ?la ha:di:k ?-?ka:r?a ka:mla (SO: /lla lla/) wa:la:ki:n ?a:-jqt?l-ni jdi:r li:-ja ?i:-?a:?a/ SO: /lla ma:-j??q?l-? ?li:-k/ GM: /?wi:ja ga:l li:-ja w-a:na n... ga:l li:-ja/ SO: /b??tti/ GM: /?a:h/ SO: /?a:?sa:n ?a:?a da:r dki/ GM: /b?a b-?a:l-u ga:l li:-ja/ SO: /di:ma d-diplu:ma:si:ja t?xd?m m?a:-hum/ GM: /ga:l li

, GM: Yes! SO: He did the best thing! He was smart! GM: He left. He said

, GM: He said to him: "I can't, bro!" and he said: "I agreed with the guys" and so on, "I want to spend the night here with the guys!" He answered: "Alright, maybe next time!" and so on. He just told him some excuse and stepped away, Diplomacy always works with them

, SO: ...their table. GM: "I went back to our table, took my coat and said to my friend: 'Let's leave!'" He said to his friend who was with him: "Come on, let's lea, GM: ...without arrogance. SO: ...kept up appearances. Yeah, that's what being cool is about

, Prémare has /br?d-l-u l-ma f-r-rka:bi/ for the same meaning. SO: /t?-t?a:b?l?a ndja:l-hum/ GM: /r???t l-t?-t?a:b?l?a h?zzi:t l-mu:nt?u dja:l-i g?lt l-xu:-na ja:l?l?a:h b?a:l-?k xu:-na lli m?a:-h g?l li:-h ja:l?l?a:h n?b?i... (laughing) g?l li:-h ja:l?l?a:h n?b?i:w ?a:d f?ss?r li:-recording: spontaneous conversation Setting : Queen Mary Café (Temara), inside. Context : GM and SO are friends, as are SO and FG

, GM: /ka:-tra:qb-u nta/ FG: /nta mk?ll?f bi:ha nta xa:s?s?-?k dd?ww?z-ha f-s?skan?? x?s?s?-?k t?s?ka:ni:-ha f-wa:??d, /u:-m?n-b??d m?nni ka:-t?ut?t?-ha f-ha:di:k l-b?l?a:s?a lli k?-js?t?u:ki:w fi:-ha t-tu:b k?-j?i wa:??d xu:-na b-l-kl?a:r?k 344 dja:l-u k?-jh?zz t-tu:b dja:l-u k?-jddi:-h l-wa:??d l-b?l?a:s?a smi:t-ha l-preparasjõ, k?-jpr?i:par?i:w-h ???/ SO: /?a:la:m ha:d (la-sosjete)/ GM: /wa:la:ki:n nta m?n l... b?lla:ti nta m?n l-l?ww?l ?t?a:w-?k ha:d... (...) nta u:-d?i:pa:r? ?t?a:w-?k ha:d z-zu:n m?n l-l?ww?l u:la d?a:ru:ri ?a:ni:ti ta:-nta/ GM: What's your position? FG: You could say I'm in charge just of one department: these for people

G. :. , FG: You're the one responsible for it, who has to pass it in the scanner. You have to scan it in a, a scale

. Then, /dxult x?dda:m f-l-kl?a:r?k/ GM: /hm/ FG: /d?ww?zt fi:-ha wa:??d l-wqi:ta wa:??d l-wqi:ta ga:lo li:-ja FG r?a ?a:di t, /?a:la:m x?s?s?-?k ts?????r (??ql-?k) ?a:h ka:-ttla:qa b-na:s b?zza:f ka:-ttla:qa.../ GM: /d?a:ru:ri ?a:h ?a:h/ FG: /b... b-?a:qli:ja:t f-?-?k?l xa:s?s?-?k ha:da t?hd?r? m?a:-h b-t?a:ri:qt-u u ha:da xa:s?s?-?k t?hd?r? m?a:-h b-t?a:ri:qt-u tma:r?i ma:-ka:-t?lqa:-? m?a:-h mu:?ki:l ka:j?n ka:za:wi xa:s?s?-u j?hd?r? m?a:-h m?n-l-fu:q x?s?s?-?k ta:-nta t?a:w?l t?h? t??r?f ki:fa:? t?hd?r? m?a:-h w?ld sxi:ra:t ta hu:wa bbu?di:t-u xa:s?s?-?k t??r?f ki:fa:? t?hd?r? m?a:-h/ GM: /hm/ FG: /wa:??d l-?a:la:m xa:s?s?-?k t?m?i t?mma xa:s?s?-?k tr?kk?b b?zza:f dja:l-l-?qu:la ma:?i ?i ?q?l wa:??d

, /xa:s?s?-?k t??r?f ki:fa:? t?hd?r? m?a:-ha:da u.../ GM: /j??ni nta ka:-t... ka:-ttfu:r?ma ?la:-wa:??d l-?a:la:m ka:-tw?lli ddi:r-u

, FG: /?a:h/ GM: /j??ni x?s?s??k t?rd?i kull-?i u:-(m?n-t?-t?u:r) ?a:-j?rd?i:w-?k ta:-hu:ma j??ni ?a:-t??t?i:-hum da

/. Fg, GM: /hm/ FG: /??h ?nu k?-jb?i ??h xd?mt-u ki:fa:s da:jra wa:? ka:-FG: I started as a forklift driver, /ka:-tw?lli ?a:r?f ?a:r?f ki:fa:? xd?mt-u hu:wa u:-ki:fa:? k?-jdi:r

, At the same time, you meet some characters, GM: Hm! FG: People I know

, strange mentalities; this one needs to be talked to in a way, the other one needs to be talked to in another way? A Temarese won't give you problems, but there's a Casablanquese that needs to be talked to like you're superior, you, too, need to try and ho... know how to talk to him; people from Skhirate are also peculiar, you need to know how to talk to them? GM: Hm! FG: That thing's crazy! You have to go there, you have to wear many brains, not just one, GM: Of course, yeah, yeah! FG: You meet

, That's it, you deal with each guy according to his mentality

, GM: I mean, you need to please everyone and they (in turn) will also please you. I mean, they'll give you what they have to, FG: Yes

, FG: You end up knowing, knowing how is his way of working and how he does it

!. Gm:-hm and .. Fg:-er, What he wants, er, what his way of working is like, whether you can have problems with him or not

, GM: Hm! FG: And even if you have problems with him, you try and gix it between the two of you, without the two of you t?lqa m?a:-h mu:?ki:l u:la:-lla/ GM: /hm/ FG: /u:-ta:-la ka:-n ??nd-?k m?a:-h ?i:-mu:?ki:l ka:-t?a:w?l ts?a:w?b nta u:-jja:h bla:-ma:-t?ws??l l-?-?i:f nta u:-jja:h/ GM: /ka:j?n lli k?-jt??s?s??b u:-ka:j?n lli k?-j.../ FG: /?a:h/ GM: /k?-jxd?m u:-k?-jtn?r?v?z m?a:-l-ma:ki:na u:la ?i:-?a?a k?-jtn?r?v?z ka:-d?i ka:-t?lqa:-h nta:ja

, /j?qd?r jku:n m??s?s??b j?qd?r jgu:l li:-k ?i:-k?lma u:la ha:di bõ nta ka:-t?a:w?l ?annak tsa:?d-u.../ FG: /nta xa:s?s?... nta t??r?f ki:fa:?.../ GM: /?a:h/ FG: /??? t?ts??rr?f.../ GM: /?a:h ka:-tsa:?d-u f-d?k l-l??d?a ka:-tsa:?d-u nta:ja/ FG: /?i:t ma:?i x?dda:m m?a:-k ?i:r nha:r u:la ju:mi:n/ GM: /?r?ft ?a:h ?a:h/ FG: /x?dda:m m?a:-k di:ma/ GM: /da:ba hu:wa ?nu k?-jwq?? li:-h k?-jqd?r jtpl?u:nt?a fwa:??d l-l??d?a k?-jkt?r ?li:-h.../ FG: /?a:h d?a:ru:ri/ GM: /k?-jtpl?u:nt?a li:-h di:ma:?-u ?-k?-jgu:l hu:wa k?jbqa jf?kk?r li:-k ta:-nta:ja m?nni ?a:di d?i ddir li:-h ku:nt?r?u:l ?a:-t?u:f da:k ?-?i t?qd?r t... t?nz?l ?li:-h b-?i:-ha:kka u:la ma:ta:la:n

, /?i:la lqa ?i:-?a:?a ?h ha k?-jd?i:kl?a:r?i.../ having to talk to the boss. GM: Some get nervous and some

G. :. Fg:-yeah!, get mad at the machine while they're working, or something like that; they get mad and when you go, you yoursel find that [---] you find he's upset with his machine, you go talk to him, you ask him

, You know how

, GM: Yes? FG: ??? you manage

, GM: Yeah, you help him, in that moment you help him. FG: Because it's not like he's just working one or two days with you

, GM: I know, yeah, yeah! FG: He does every day! GM: Now, what happens to him is that he can get stuck at a given moment, and it becomes too much for him

. Fg:-yeah and . Gm, His head gets stuck, and what does he say? He starts blaming it on you, too! When you come and supervise him, you see that, you may... take some measure against him or just an example

, GM: Exactly! FG: Because when he comes, the guy who replaces him will carry out an audit and check the state of the machines, whether they've been cleaned or not (GM, FG: He'll also blame it

, GM: Yeah! (FG: ...to the boss) So he won't be blamed. FG: He writes a report and pam! Hey you

, :f/) ba:? ma:-t?ls?q-? fi:-h hu:wa/ FG: /k?-jdr??b r?-r?a:pu:r? t?s??t? t?s??t? t?s??t? xu:-na m?nni ka:ddxul nta xu:na s?-s?a:t? r?a mni:n xr??ti n-nha:r la:xra:ni r?a ha:-?nu x?lli:ti u:-ha:-?nu x?lli:ti u:-ha:-?nu x?lli:ti/ GM: /hm/ GM: Hm! FG: /wa:??d l-x?dma ?-?a:-ngu:l li:-k r?a a s?a:bi:ru:na ma:?a:hu:m 345 u:-s?a:fi/ FG: Such a job!

, Phonotactic adaptation of the fu??? /s?a:biru:na ma?a-hum/, "[we are] forbearing with them". I could not find out recording: spontaneous conversation Setting: MD's living room Context: sunday morning, breakfast time. All speakers

D. H. Ad and . Live-in-l-hr?wy?n, a slum in Casablanca, and are all attending the last high school year in the same school. CDS is from Fes and lived and worked in L-Hr?wy?n for two years (where he became friends with the other informants), until he moved to Temara two months before the recording was made. All participants (including the researcher), except for DH, spent the previous night at MD's place. At the beginning of this excerpt, DH announces he is going and attending some Maths private classes (the teacher's name, Bouzidi, is a fake one) which, apparently, his three schoolmates also usually attend

, /?la:-qra:jt-?k z-zi:na/ (laughs) DH: /t-ta:ma:ri:n d-da:lla l-?u:ssi:ja u:-nt?a:nn/ FR: /tta:-d-da:lla l-?u:ssi:ja tta:-ma:-l-u ?a:-jdi:r fi:-ha ?i:s?s?a tta:-r?a ma:-nz?glu:-? ?na ?a:s?la:n ?a:-ngu:lu li:-h ?i:-gru:p ba:qi ma:-da:ru:-? u:-ndi:ru:-h/ DH: /tta:-r?a kull-?i da:r bqi:na ?a:-?na a:-w?ld l-mk?ll?x/ AD: /j?a:w?d li:-na ?na l-r?u:s-na/ FR: /tta:-?a:?a ma:-s??i:ba/ DH: /s?i:ba w?l?l?a:jta s??i:ba/ FR: /?a:?i a:na

, Do you think he'll give us a whole lesson just about that? Anyway, we won't fail! In fact, we'll tell [the school professor we want to take the test with] some group that hasn't taken it and take it! DH: Everybody's taken it, we're the only ones left, son of a stupid man! AD: He'll let us alone repeat it. FR: Besides, it's nothing hard. DH: It's hard, I swear it's hard! FR: (Tell you) what... [---] Look, bro, I'll tell you what we'll do: you'll play truant with us, t?bqa:-? tgu:l l-bna:d?m mk?ll?x/ FR: /ma:-l-i ma:-?a:rfu:-?/ DH: /ni:vu ?li:-k/ AD: (laughing) /(tta ma:-l-?k r?a a:-f?kk?rna:-k)/ FR: (laughs; probably referring to CDS) /ma:za:l ma:-?a:r?f-ha:-?/ MD: /CDS/ FR: /tta:-r?a l?-is?t?wa

, /ma:-ka:-n?d???k-? ?la:-?i:-?a:?a x w ra/ FR: /a:-skut a:-mk?ll?x dja:l-l-xla/ CDS: /si:r

, AD: /tta:-r?a n?m?i:w a:-n?lqa:w-?h mga:b?l m?a ?-?u:? a:-ngu:lu li:-h ?i:-gru:p ma:za:l ma:-d?ww?z-? n?m?i:w nd?wwz-u m?a:-h/ MD: /??h hu:wa ?a:s?la:n ?a:-jdi:r li:-na mu:r?a:?a:?a ga:l li:-na qb?l ma dd?wwz-u l-f?rd? a:-ddi:ru mu:r?a:?a:?a/ FR: /bna:d?m ?a:t?i:-ha l-z-z?rba a:-s?a

, AD: (What's wrong with you? We've just reminded you!) FR: (laughs; probably referring to CDS) He doesn't know that yet. MD: CDS! FR: There's a whole story behind "one step ahead of you"! CDS: I'm just laughing about, MD: /r?a kull-?i ?la:-l-qa:?i:da ja:k ??dd tta:-l-?i:ks?pu l-?i:kspu ?a:-dd?xx?l m?a:-h l-?i:l?i:n ha:-hu:wa s?a:fi/ FR: /?a:na r?a xa:j?f ?a m?n l-ha:nda:sa l-fa:d?a:?i:ja li:ks?pu:ns?i ga:?-ma xa:j?f m?n-ha w?l?l?a:h/ MD: /ta:-a:na l-ha:nda:sa l-fa:d?a:?i:ja mz?r?r?i m?n-ha s?s?a:ra:?a/ AD: /ta:-a:na ??? ma:-x?dd?mt-ha:-?/ FR: /nx?ddmu:-ha a:-d-dra:ri nx?ddmu:-ha/ AD: /jx?dd?m-ha m?a:-na CDS/ FR: /ta:-jm?i CDS w-jm?i b-?a:la:t-u u:-nx?ddmu:-ha/ AD: Shut up, mate! Stop calling him stupid! FR: Why? Don't you think I know him? DH: "I'm one step ahead of you

, AD: We'll just go and meet [the school professor] at two, ask him if there's any group that hasn't taken [the test] yet and take it with them. MD: Er he'll make us revise anyway. He said: "We'll do revision before you pass the test". FR: The guy [= DH] wants to rush, mate! MD: It's all about the rule, isn't it? You get the function, you insert the "ln" and you've got it, that's it! FR: I'm just afraid of Geometry. I'm not afraid of the exponential function at all, I swear! MD: Honestly, I'm scared of Geometry, too! AD: Me, too ??? I haven't practised on it. FR: Shall we do some practise guys? Shall we? AD: CDS will join us! FR: We'll do some practise after CDS has left and he's gone. AD: (to CDS) He's urging you! CDS: Yesterday's

, MD: /kr?wa:s?a a:-CDS/ CDS: /w?l?l?a:jta kli:t a

, / (shouting, to his mother) /lwa:li:da ?a:ta:j/ CDS: /tta ma:za:l ma, MD: /AD AD kr?wa:s?a/ CDS: /n?ts?nna:-k ta tgu:l li:-ja nta ku:l a:-s?a:?b-i/ MD: /ta a:-d?r?b-ha m?a

, AD: /wa:jl-i wa:jl-i ?ku:n-lli ?a:-j??r?b-u ha:d a:ta:j ?a:-j??r?b-u FR/ FR: /n??r?b-u u:-l-ft?u:r hu:wa lli m?zja:n/ AD: (to CDS

, /?t?i:-h ?t?i:-h/ CDS beats FR 349 CDS: (laughing, referring to FR, who apparently did not think CDS would actually beat him) /ma:-t?jj?q-?

, CDS: /ma:-n?bqa:-? ?zi:z ?li:-k/ AD: (to FR, who is apparently about to beat AD) /lla lfu:g la ?a:h ?a:h/ (he gets beaten; to CDS) w?l?l?a:jta tta lli ka:-t??b?r ?li:-h ga:? ka:n k?-jtf?g??s? ?li:-na ka:-d?i tta ka:-t??dd-hum li:-h/ FR: (to CDS or AD, who may have beaten him back) /l?a:mu:d l-fi:qa:ri d?r?bti a:-s?a:?b-i/ CDS: /na:r-i wa:??d n-nha:r tta ?-?a:-ndi:r-l-u

, / (to AD, referring to CDS) /t?-j?xur a:-s?a:?b-i/ AD: /wi:l-i u:-b?zza:f a:-s?a:?b-i/ CDS: /tta:-r?a t-t?rwi:?a a:-s?a:?b-i/ FR: /lla ka:-t??xur a:-s?a:?b-i qh?rti:-ni a:na:ja/ AD: /w?l?l?a:jta j??qu:b 350 k?-jn??s s?i:l?u:ns?/ MD: Just have it

!. Mother!-some-tea and . Cds, She's not even making it yet! He's sick! AD: Oh dear, oh dear! Who's going to drink that tea?, FR? FR: No problem! Breakfast should always be the best meal! AD: (to CDS, who is about to beat FR for being greedy) Hit him, hit him! CDS beats FR CDS: (laughing, referring to FR, who apparently did not think CDS would actually beat him) He didn't believe!

, I swear I love him! CDS: I'll make you stop loving me! AD: (to FR, who is apparently about to beat AD) No, not above, He didn't believe what actually happened! FR: (referring to CDS) I'm his brother

, CDS: I've got a cold, mate! FR: No, you really snore, mate! You totally wore me out! AD: I swear Yacoub sleeps in silent mode. CDS: ?? What is he, a device? AD: I swear he sleeps in silent mode! FR: I didn't hear AD, MD or him [= J.], but you: *roooon*! I turned on the other side but still heard: *roooon*! You know, I didn't want to stand up and start beating you like this and this and this (stands up and beats AD, who is not sitting next to him, every time he says 348 MD has already brought food and one full teapot and everybody has been drinking tea and eating at this point, He'll be in big trouble! FR: ??? (to AD, referring to CDS) He snores, mate! AD: Yeah, mate, and how

, This and other non-verbal events were retraced by one of the informants, CDS

, CDS's friends would call me with my Arabic name

, n?bqa n??t?i:-k ha:k ha:k ha:k/ (stands up and beats AD, who is not sitting next to hi, every time he says /ha:k/) AD: (laughing) /?t?a:-ni ts??rfi:qa kunt ga:l?s ?da:-k w?l?l?a:jta ns??rfq-?k ??, ?/ MD: /tta l-ba:r?? ma:-n??st ta:l-?i:-tla:ta ?a:da ?a:-ni nn??s w?l?l?a:h/ FR: /w?l?l?a:?ta a:na ?a:-ni n-n??s d??ja wa:la:ki:n ha:-hu:wa lli t??jjr-u li:-ja *xu:?* t?-j?xur/ MD: /wa:-tta r?a ma:-??rt ?ku:n-lli ka:n k?-jdi:r wa:??d s?s??wt m?a:-s?-s?ba:? ta:l s?-s?ba:?

, FR: /na:r-i na:r-i/ FR joins CDS. AD: (laughing) /MD t??ww?ltu:-h/ FR: /CDS, CDS, ha:-hu:wa ba:qi ???/ MD: (laughing) /?a:d d?r?bt r?a:s-i

. /w-jd?r?b-r?a,

, / (beats AD) "this") AD: (laughing) He slapped me! If I had been sitting next to him, I swear I would have slapped you back! ??? MD: Well, yesterday I didn't sleep earlier than three, then I got sleepy, I swear! FR: I swear I got sleepy quickly, but here's the one who made me wake up! Snoring *roooon*! MD: That's why I couldn't get who was making that noise in the morning, until morning!, wa:la? w-l-ba:r?? n??s MD n??s/ MD: /ta ?a n?ww?d?-ni ha:da ma:-?m?lt-u:-? s?a:fi kun n?ww?d?-ni j??qu:b ?a:-n?d???k tta

, beats AD) CDS: (laughing; to AD) Did you wake him up? MD: "Wake up! MD! MD!" I thought Yacoub had jumped on him, I swear to you by my right hand! (laughs) CDS: What? Everybody laughs MD: When I opened my eyes, J: Before sleeping. MD: It's alright, he didn't see it

, /wa:la:ki:n a:h tta:-r?a:-dz?jj?r?t w-a:na nnu:d? u:-n?d???k/ MD: /t?jj?q u:la lla t?jj?q ta da:k n-nha:r m?nni b?tt m?a:-k lhi:h/ CDS: /ta a:na dz?jj?r?t s?-s?ba:? u:-ma:-b?i:t-? nf?jjq-u/ MD: /w?l?l?a:hta mz?jj?r? u:-ma:-g?ddi:t-?/ FR: /u:-ma:-ngu:l-ha:-? li:-k/ MD: /bqi:t ?a:b?s-ha ?a:b?s-ha ?a:b?s-ha ta s?ba:? l-?a:l/ CDS: /ta a:na w?l?l?a:jla kunt mz?jj?r? s?-s?ba:? u:-ma:-b?i:t-?... ma:-b?i:t-? nf?jjq-?k/ FR: /xsa:ra ?r?fti ?ti... w?l?l?a:h wa:-??qq-r?-r??bb.../ AD: /?ti m?lli k?-jtla:ga:w f-?i:-da:r? a:-l?l?a:j?f?d? u:-s?a:fi ?a:-t?lqa ha:da na:??s u:-t?-jbu:l/ MD: /w?l?l?a:h m??ga:z AD m??ga:z/ FR: /b?zza:f a:-s?a:?b-i/ AD: /u:-b?zza:f ma:-kd?btu:-? f-ha:di s?-s?a:ra:?a/ said

, Instead I waited till I was bursting, then I got up laughing. MD: Believe it or not, that day, when I stayed there overnight with you

, MD: ...I swear I was bursting, and couldn't keep it! FR: Tell me about it! MD: I kept it and kept it and kept until morning came. CDS: Me too, I swear I was bursting in the morning and didn't want, CDS: I was also bursting in the morning and didn't want to wake you up

, AD: Imagine if they shared a house: only God could save them! You'll find him peeing while he's sleeping! MD: Lazy, I swear! AD is lazy! FR: He's so lazy, mate! AD: Yeah, I'm so lazy! Honestly, Type of recording: Group interview Setting: Temara, central square

, According to CDS, this utterance has an implicit sexual meaning, which explains why MD laughs right afterwards. Economic and Social Sciences of Rabat and three of them (SI, PT and DS) the researcher: what are your ambitions?, SI: /l-mu:?ki:l lli ka:j?n f-l-ma:?ri:b hu:wa bna:d?m ma

, da:f... ma:-mr??bbi:n-? fi:-na wa:??d l-?a:?a dja:l-?annak tku:n ??nd-?k wa:??d l... wa:??d l-ha:da:f f-l?a:ja:t ?i:-nha:r t?lga l-ha:da:f f-l-?a:ja:t dja:l-?k r?a ta:-?i:-?a:?a... ki:mma ta:-ngu:l-l-?k r?a ?a:jj ?a:?a xa:l?q-ha r??bb-i li:-k nta:ja ?a:jj ?a:?a r?a j?mk?n-l-?k nta t?st??m?lha ba:? ddi:r-ha t?ri:q l-da:k l-ha:da:f ?i:r tku:n ?i:-?a:?a z??ma ?i:-?a:?a f-l-xi:r a:w ?i:-?a:?a f... ?i:?a:bi:ja u:-kda ma:ta:la:n ha:da:k lli k?-jf?kk?r? f-?u:r?u:ppa j?m?i... kullwa:??d k?-jf?kk?r? f-?u:r?u:ppa a:na ma:-n?kd?b-? ?li:-k a:na nha:r f?kk?r?t n?m?i l-?u:r?u:ppa z??ma n?m?i l-?a:l?ma:nja

, k?nt ka:-nf?kk?r?... k?nt ka:-nf?kk?r? (DS: /j?m?i j??rr?g/)

.. , /ma:-n?kd?b-? ?li:-k n-nha:r ha:da:k da:k ?-?i lli... ma... a:-n?qra ?i:-?a:?a lli ?a:-n?i:b-ha l-l-bla:d 353 lli ?a:-n?nf?? bi:-ha du:k n-na:s ?i:t ka:jni:n ?i:-?wa:j??

, /b?a:l da:ba ma:ta:la:n ?na n?m?i:w l-wa:??d aplikasjõ pl?a:js?t?u:r? ka:-ntla:ga:w m?a:-wa:??d d-d?rri... ?r?fti aplikasjõ pl?a:js?t?u:r?/ J: /?a:h/ SI: /ka-n??r?f wa:??d d-d?rri s?a:??b-na ka:-n??rfu:-h a:na u:-ha:da

, As I was telling you [before], everything is created for you by the Lord. Everything can be used by you and turned into a path towards that goal, as long as it's something... I mean, something good or something

, positive and so on. For example, those who aim for

G. T. Europe, Everybody aims for Europe, I'm being honest with you: one day, I thought about going to

. Europe and . To-germany, I'd actually like to go to Germany ?? I used to have the idea of the Syrian refugees, they go there, and I thought that I could go with them, and so on... I thought... I thought (DS: Emigrating illegally) I could spend three years over there, or four years

, He's just finished 9 th Grade, Do you know what our 9 th Grade is? PT: 9 th Grade. J: 9 th Grade? PT: ??? DS: 4 th year. GG: A bit of a... mediocre level ??? SI: A bit mediocre, low

, His father comes from another village, near Marrakesh, but he is only familiar with his mother's. b?zza:f l-?i:?da:di/ DS: /?i:?da:di s-sa:na t-ta:lta ?i:?da:di/ SI: /s-sa:na t-ta:lta ?i:?da:di/ YS: /kol?? 354 kol??/ SI: /?a:h ha:da xa:r??, k?-js?a:w?b aplikasjõ pl?a:js?t?u:r? xa:r?? m?n t-ta:s?a u:-ka:-n??ref bna:d?m fa:j?t l-b?a:k u:-b?u:t?u:n d??r?wa f.../ (bursts out laughing) /b?u:t?u:n d??r?wa f-s-su:ri di:k s-su:ri ka:jna b?u:t?u:n d??r?wa ma:-k?... ma:-k?-j?r?f-ha:-? ha:da hu:wa... ha:da hu:wa lmu:?ki:l nha:r ?a:-t... b?a:l da:ba a:na ma:ta:la:n n?t??ll?m aplikasjõ pl?a:js?t?u:r? n?t??ll?m b-?i:-t?a:ri:qa ?ti:ra:fi:ja n?qra b-wa:??d t?-t?a:ri:qa ?ti:ra[:fi:ja] n?tl?qqa... n?tl?qqa b?a:l da:ba

. /s-su, /g?lti li:-h nta aplikasjõ pl?a:js?t?u:r? u:la ?i:-l?i:ba b?a:la:kka da:ba ?la:? da:ba ?i:t... ?a:na... ?a:na ngu:l-l-?k... ?a:na ?a... mi:ta:l mi:ta:l da:ba a:na a:-ngu:l-l-?k ta:-n?qra ??nd-i b?zza:f dja:l-l-?wa:j?? b?zza:f dja:l-l-?wa:j?? lli ??nd-i ?a:na

.. , / SI: /?a:h/ GS: /nta r?a ?i... b?a:l-i:la g?lti ta:-ddu:r? f-wa:??d dd?wwa:ma ??nd-?k b?zza:f dja:l-l-?wa:j?? u... ma:-?r?fti:-that's too bad! Middle school! DS: Middle school, third year of middle school. SI: Third year of middle school. GS: "Collège, wa:la:ki:n b-d?-d??bt? ?ku:n-lli ?a:di n... ?a:na n?xd?m fi:-ha m?zja:n ma:-?r?ft-ha:-? fh?mti ?ku:n-lli ?a:-n?rta:? fi:-ha

, Like, for example, I can learn how to fabricate the Playstore app, learn it in a professional way

D. :. , So I could bring here the smooth way with which I'd learn that in Europe [---] and use it to teach people, who'd start earning money thanks to it, even if they're uneducated. DS: Everybody would benefit from it. SI: Everybody would benefit from it, When you develop the standard of living, your mindset will develop, your ambitions will develop, you'll... your milieu will develop

!. Si:-sure and . Gs, It's like you're caught in a whirlpool: you've got a lot of things and

, French translation for "middle school

, DS: /x?s?s? lli jw???h-?k/ GS: /ma:-?r?fti:-? ?nu:-lli t??dd f... ?i:t f??... f?? ??h ha:d

, GS: /?a:h mu:hi:mm/ PT: /ma:-??nd-u ma:-jdda:r ma:-k?-jqra ma:-da:j?r l?i:t?i:jja 356 ma:-da:j?r wa:lu GS: /ma:-??nd-u ma:-jdda:r da:ba ma:?i... ma:?i da:k ??i

, GS: /?a:h ma:-??nd-u ma:-jdda:r da:ba ?i:t hu:wa ma:?i

. Xr??-m?n-d-di, r?a:sa.../ DS: /ma:-??nd-u:-? ?i:-?a:?a m... fh?mti m??mmra li:-h lw?qt dja:l-u

, DS: /?na m??mmra:-l-na d-di:r?a:sa m??mmra:-l-na, SI: /?a:h ma:-??nd-u:-? ba:? j??mm?r

, j??ni ma:-j?mk?n-? nta:ja t?st??ni ?la:-qra:jt-?k u:-nta d??jj??ti fi:-ha ma:-?r?t ?i... tna:??r? ?a:m u:la t?lt?a:??r? ?a:m u:-nta ta:-t?qra f-l-l?xx?r ?a:-t?sm?? fi:-ha ?a:-t?b?i l-da:k ?-?i/ J: /hm/ DS: /fh?mti x?s?s?-?k b?a:l da:ba ?na a:-nna:xdu l?i:s?u:ns? ??jja:h ha:da a:-jja:xud l?i:s?u:ns? j?qd?r n?tf?rr?? l-da:k ??i bi:-mma lqi:t ?i:-x?dma/ J: /hm/ DS: /wa:? fh?mti:-ni u:la:-lla n?qd?r n?tf?rr?? l-da:k d?d?u:mi:n u:-?a:-n??t?i fi:-h bi:-mma lqi:t ?i:-?a:ma:l ta:-?a:na:ja

, ?akbar dali:l li-?annak da:k ?-?i lli ka:-t... da:k ?-?i lli ka

, ja lli ka:-t?st??m?l-ha ka:-t??dd-ha b-z-z?rba hu:wa l-i:s?t?i:ja 357 da:ba ?na ??dd-na l-i:s?t?i... t-t?kwi:n lmi:ha:ni ka:-tk?ww?n b-da:k ?-?i lli ?a:-t?xd?m ma:?i ka:-should

, GS: You don't know what you should stick to as for, DS: You need to be oriented

, GS: Yeah, anyway

, He's got nothing to do: he doesn't study, he doesn't go to ITA, he does nothing! GS: He's got nothing to do! In fact, it's not

, SI: I didn't mean to say he had nothing to do... (laughs) GS: But he does have nothing to do! Because, you know, he's not

, DS: He hasn't got something to... you know, to fill his own time with

, SI: Sure, he's got nothing to fill

, I mean, you can't give up your studies after wasting, I don't know, some... twelve or thirteen years studying, and in the end you give them up and start that other thing. J: Hm! DS: You get it? You need, like... I'll get my BA, that's right, he'll get his BA, and then I could find the time to do that until I find a job. J: Hm! DS: Did you get what I'm saying? I might find the time to dedicate myself to that field and put my efforts in it, until I find an occupation, too, DS: We fill it by

, We've got ISTA, Professional ?i:r-t?qra ka:-tk?ww?n b-da:k ?-?i lli ?a:-t?xd?m/ GG: /?t?i:-ni... ?a:h a:na ka... a:na mi:ta:l/ PT: /ha:-hu:wa ha:da t?-jqra... GG t?-jqra f-l-i:s?t?i:ja/ GG: /?a:na ka:-n?qra da:ba t?-teknik djal-l-vãt

, ha:nja b-ba:sa:t?a d??kt m?a:-h g?tt li:-h lla ma:-???b-ni:-? fi:-h ???qqa ha:di, GG: /ki:fa:? ?a:-nbi:? u:-ki:fa:? ?a:-n??ri/ PT: /l-ma:r?ku:ti:n.../ GG: /d-d?rri lli ?a:b li:-ja t-ti:li:fu:n... 358 / PT: /fa:? k?ntu wa:gfi:n/ GG: /?a:h kun ga:l li:-ja b?lli ??nd-i r-rb?? fi:-h ??nd-i lfd??l ?a:-n?m?i na:xd-u m?n-??nd-u u:-?a:-nbi

, j??ni ka:-ttk?ww?n j??ni ?a:-ttk?ww?n f-ma:?a:l ti:kni:k dja:l l-bi:? wa-?-?ira:?/ SI: /wa-?-?ira:? ?a:h.../ GG: /ta:-ngu:l wa:??d n-nha:r [j?]qd?r da:k s?-s?i:b?i:r? ma:-j?bqa:-?... 359 la:??t?ti s?-s?i:b?i:r? ma:-bqa:-? di:k l?araka fi:-h bna:d?m t?-jdxul b?zza:f kull-?i (w?lla ?a f-)tti:li:fu:n/ PT: /kull-?i ??nd-u pi:s?i f-da:r?-hum ti:li:fu:n kda/ GG: /j?qd?r wa:??d n-nha:r ttj?ss?r li:-ja n??jj?d da:k s?s?i:b?i:r? u:-ndi:r wa:??d l-m??ru:? xu:r djal-l-bi:? u:-?-?ra b?a:l ma:ta:la:n GM 360 da:r l-?wa:j?? n?qd?r ndi:r ?i:-training, you get trained in the thing that you'll work with, you don't study and study and just study

. How,

, PT: Sales Techniques. SI: How (you sell)

, GG: How I'd sell and how I'd buy. PT: Marketing

, GG: The guy who brought me the telephone

, If he had told me that I'd have some profite out of it, some earning, I would have gone, got it from him and sold it, PT: When you guys were standing? GG: Yes

, No, I don't really like it, there's a crack on it" and so on. SI: Because he studies that. GG: And that' s it. I study the item, I know whether it will or will not sell, I can buy this cap

, you get trained in the field of the techniques of selling and purchasing. SI: And purchasing, yeah! GG: I tell myself that, one day, our cyber cafe may close

, You've already noticed that there's not much bustle in the cafe any more, people no longer come very often, everybody (just started using) telephones

, GG: One day, I may find the means, get rid of that cafe and start another commercial project; like for example GM who started selling clothes

G. M. Gg, /j??ni ??ks l-?a:mi?a l?a:-fa:k j??ni ka:-t?bqa ha:di:k x?s?s?-?k ??/ DS: /u:-fi:-ha di:k l-avãta? ma:?i ka:-t?bqa ?i:r-t?qra

, /hm ka:-t?qra u:-ka:-t?b?i t?s?t?a:?i/ SI: /ka:-t?b?i ka:-t?s?t?a:?i/ DS: /ka:-t?b?i ka:-t?s?t?a:?i j??ni fh?mti/ PT: /??hra:j?n dja:l-l-qra:ja ??hr

/. Ds, /??hra:j?n dja:l-l-qra:ja u:-??hra:j?n dja:l-s?-s?t?a:? wa:? fh?mti:-ni/ GS: /l-mu:?ki:la ma:?i t?mma ta:-l?a:-fa:k m?zja:na ta:-l?a:-fa:k m?zja:na/ SI: /lla ma:-ka:-n?hd?r?-? ?la:-l?a:-fa:k a

, PT: /?a:h z??ma (k?-jhd?r?) m?n-n-na:?ja dja:l

, / SI: /?na ka:-nh?dr?u f-l?a:-fa:k l?a:-fa:k... l?a:-fa:k ka:-ddi:r-ha... ?na ngu:l-l-?k... l?a:-fa:k n-na:s ?nu k?-jdi:ru k?jdi:ru:-ha ba:? ma:za:l j?qra:w m?n mu:r?a:-ha.../ GS: /...m?n-mu:r?a:-ha l-ma:s?t?i:r?/ SI: /?a:h m?n-mu:r?a:-ha l-ma:s?t?i:r? u:-la t?b?i t?xd?m u:la.../ GS: /l-ma:s?t?i:r? spesjalize t?mma fi:n ta:-ttx?s?s??s?/ SI: /?a:h/ GS: /t?mma fi:n ta:-ttx?s?s??s? ?a:d t?mma fi:n ta:-tw?lli ?a:r?f nta ?nu ?a:di ddi:r

:. .. Pt and . .. Gg:, So it's the opposite of university, "la fac, Er you both study and take an internship. SI: Take an internship. DS: You take an internship, I mean, you get it? PT: Two months of classes and two months

, DS: Two months of classes and two months of internship, do you understand? GS: But that's not where the problem is, university's also good, university's also good! SI: No, I'm not talking about university, mate! Many participants start speak altogether in response to SI

, the only clearly understandable words are PT's, reported in the next line. PT: Yeah, I mean, (he's talking) about

, SI: The scope of... the scope of

, GG: I mean, if you study Management you go ?? management. PT: Yeah, I agree with you! GG: This... this, SI: Shall we talk about university? University

. .. University's-for, University, what do people do? They attend it in order to go on studying after it. GS: ...[they take] a Master's degree after it. SI: Yeah, a Master's degree after it

, GS: A specialised Master's, that's when you start doing something specific. SI: Yeah! GS: That's when you start doing something specific

, fact, if you take a ??nta ?i:la k?nti ta:-t?qra lisãs ta:-t?qra l-?i:?a:za xa:s?s? jku:n ??nd-?k wa:??d r-ra:s?i:d ma:?ri:fi kbi:r b?zza:f fh?mti jku:n ??nd-?k ?i:-?a:?a lli hi:ja fh?mti u:-tku:n mt?qq?f b?zza:f u:-ma:?i... ma;?i... da:ba ?na... hu:wa t?jdwi... j??ni... da:ba hu:wa ga:l-l-?k t-t?kwi:n l-mi:ha:ni t-t?kwi:n l-mi:ha:ni m??du:d

, SI: /j?mk?n jzi:d mu:r?a:-ha ?a:m dja:l l?-lisãs profesjon?l ka:-ddi:r.../ GS: /lisãs profesjon?l (DS: teknisi? spesjalize) f-teknik dvãt a:-s?a:?b-i ma:-ka:jna:-? ??dd-na f-l-ma:?ri:b ni:ha:?i:j?n/ DS: /teknisi? spe

, /lli k?-jqra:w b-l-b?a:k oe?3 61 / GS: /?a:h le 362 ??stjõ de zãt??p?iz (SI: /b?a:l d?d?i:pl?u:m... hm/) j??ni ta:-t?a:w?d d?-d?i:pl?u:m m?n-ll?ww?l (GG: /devl?pmã d-rezo.../) ma:-?li:na:-? da:ba ?i:t da:k ?-?i lli da:ba ta:-ngu:l ki:f-ma g?lt-l-?k da:ba l?a:-fa:k xa:s?s?a tk... jku:n ??nd-?k wa:??d... da:ba nta ??ddi:ti l-?i:za:za xa:s?s?-?k tku:n mt?qq?f xa:s?s?a tku:n ??nd-?k llu:?a u:-xa:s?s?a tku:n ??nd-?k wa:??d r-ra:s?i

, He's talking... I mean... Now, he said, BA, you need a huge amount of knowledge, you get it? Something that... you get it? And you need to be really cultivated, and not... not... In fact, we

, Limited, that's it! I mean, that's your final limit. SI: How is it "limited"? No, it isn't! GS: The things that [those who attend ISTA] study there are their final limit, The things they study there are their final limit. DS: After they've

, GS: They study two years, they study two years. Many voices overlap again, the only discernible words being SI's below. SI: They can go on taking one year of professional BA, you do

, They can become] specialised technicians) in Sales Techniques? There's no such thing anywhere in Morocco, mate! DS: [They can become] specialised technicians. GG: But specialised technicians, they can do! GS: Sure, specialised technicians! But there's no professional BA, mate! GG: Like Management, like, GS: Professional BA (DS

, GG: Like Network development...) Whatever. In fact, what I'm saying now, as I told you, is that university requires for you

!. Si:-yeah and . Gs, Why, in fact, The thing is

, the things is that we're studying these things

, He may mean "bac +1", ie. having completed one year of university after one's high school diploma

, Gestion des entreprises" were plural, whereas it is usually singular. SI: /?a:h/ GS: /ba:? ?annaka, ?la:? da:ba... da:ba ?na r?a da:ba ta:-neqra:w ha:d ?-?i wa:la:kin ha:d ?-?i f-a:? ?a:di jn?f?-?k

, X: /ma:-jm?ll-?/ GS: /?a:h ma:-jm?ll-?/ DS: /?a:-n?qra u:-s?a:fi ma:-?a:-n?xd?m-? f-l-l?xx?r di:ma xa:s?s?-?k t?u:t?t?, ?a:di jn?f?-?k hu:wa n-nha:r lli ?a:di ddi:r lma:s?t?i:r? n-nha:r lli ddi:r l-ma:s?t?i:r? f-a:? ?a:di ttw????h ?a:di ddi:r l-?a:?a lli tta ?a:di t??b-a... lli ta:-t???b-?k u:-?a... ta:-t?xd?m fi:-ha m?zja:n... u:-ta:-t?xd?m fi:-ha m?zja:n ta:-t?lqa b?lli r?a mu:r?a:-k r?a f-ha:di:k l?-lisãs lli qri:ti ta:-t?lqa b?lli r?a:-h ??nd-?k 363 wa:??d l... wa:??d lb?a:ga:?/ J: /hm/ GS: /wa:??d l-b?a:ga:? dja:l l-ma:?lu:ma:t nta xdi:ti:-hum u:-sta:f?tti fi:-hum t?mma fi:n ?a:di tw?d?d??f-hum fh?mti hna fi:n ka:j?n l-mu:?ki:l da:ba ?i:t da:ba... ?i:t da:ba ha:d l-mu:?ki:l... hu:wa l-mu:?ki:l l-kbi:r ?annaka ka:-tta:xud lw?qt

, ll realise that you have a huge baggage! J: Hm! GS: A huge baggage of knowledge that you've taken and availed yourself of. And there's where you're going to employ them! You get it? That's where the problem lays! Because in fact, Studying five years is not like studying two years

, SI: Or with a salary that's

. Gs:-er, And university as well, also university, you get it? It goes with chance. Well, destiny is destiny. If you work, everything's fine. Just one thing's important: one should never make the argument that

, GS: Yeah, one shouldn't get bored. DS: [One shouldn't say:] "I'll study and that will be it, in the end I'll never work, One shouldn't get bored

. Gs:-yeah, SI: No, no! DS: You get it? GS: It's the opposite, it's the opposite! PT: Or wait for the State to make you work: never stop searching, doing internships or anything else. GS: It's the opposite: you've studied

. Like, at the university, well, I... I'm talking about myself. At the university

, u:-ka:j?n lli k?-jja:xud-ha (PT: /...ka:-ha:da:f/) ka:-ha:da:f/ J: /hm/ DS: /fh?mti nta i:la s?ww?lti ?a, ?la:bi:jt d-dra:ri tgu:l ki:fa:? ka:-tta:xud l-qra:ja wa:? ka:-wa:si:la u:la ka:-ha:da:f jgu:l-l-?k ka:-wa:si:la k?-jja:xud:-ha ba:?i jqra ba:?i j?ws??l ja:xud wa:??d d?-d?i:pl?u:m j?m?i j?xd?m bi:-h ma:?i k?-jja:xud-ha ka:-ha:da:f jt?qq?f bi:-h r?a:s-u (PT: /j??r?f ?nu.../) jst... fh?mti jsta:f?d bi:-h m?n-b??d j?qd?r ?a:-j?i ?i:r js?wwl-?k ?i:-wa:??d f-z-z?nqa b?a:l da:ba nta tla:qi:ti m?a:-ja ts?ww?l-ni f-z-z?nqa n?qd?r fh?mti ?a:-nt?a:w?r m?a:-k u:-?a:-n?hd?r? m?a[:-k] fh?mti ma:?i b?a:l wa:??d ma:-qa:ri:-?

, GS: /mt?bb?? l-bna:t d-d?rri:ja:t u:la t-ti:ti:z 364 u.../ PT: /...l-l?a:qa t?-t?u:nu:b?i:l?a:t.../ Everybody laughs GG: /jes jes l?a:s?vi:ga:s?

, DS: Excuse me, because, in fact, you've got two things: you've got those who take studying as a means, you understand? PT: ...And those who take it

, He takes it as he wants to study, he wants to reach the end, take a diploma, work with it; he doesn't take it as a goal, to become more erudite, (PT: He wants to know what...) av... you get it? He wants to make use of it afterwards. Someone may just come and address you randomly, like you've met me and you address me randomly, and I can -you see -discuss with you and talk to you, you get it? It's not like with someone uneducated, DS: And you've got those who take it (PT: ...as a goal) as a goal. J: Hm! DS: You get it? If you ask most guys, saying

I. .. , Still completing the second year of... of university, even though I've been attending for three years. I repeated the first year, and why? Because, as a matter of fact, I wasn't studying and I wasn't, GS: As I was telling you... As I was telling you: university... In fact

.. , GS: I used to pursue girls, "chicks", or "hotties

:. .. Pt and . Money,

. Everybody-laughs and . Gg, Yes, yes! Las Vegas!

, GS: You get it? I... Anyway

, SI: (laughing) We want more!!! J: (laughing) Yeah, it's hard! GS: It's not hard

, 364 The use of so many synonyms may be aimed at helping the researcher, whom GS knows to be a student of d?r??a. The same informant also did something similar when he participated to the hidden-camera test

, SI: (laughing) /zi:d-ni/ J: (laughing) /?a:h hi:ja s??i:ba/ GS: /ma:?i s??i:ba ?i:t ka:n t?a:ri li:-ja wa:??d l-b?l?a:n k?nt ka:-n?b?i wa:??d l-b?nt.../ All the other participants cheer and applaude PT: /wa:-?a:xi:ra:n/ GG: (to another informant) /s???l-u l-xa:li:d ha:da l-bba:-xa:li:d

, All the other participants cheer and applaude PT: Finally! GG: (to another informant) Record him for Ba Khalid, this is for Ba Khalid! Follows GS's account of his failed love story with a girl

, Moving to Temara Type of recording: individual interview Setting: a bedroom in the house of LT, one of my younger informants. The interviewee is LTm, his mother, a woman in her fifties, who was raised in several cities but is originally from Bzo

, LTm: /?a:na dx?lt hna:ja

, /t?s?u:d u:-t?s?i:n wa:qi:la/ Reda: /t?s?u:d u:-t?s?i:n/ LTm: /t?s?u:d u:-t?s?i:n.../ Reda: /?a:na a:lfi:n u:-tla:ta/ LTm: /...dø-mil-oe?

, LTm: /?i:na m?n-m?r?r?a:k??, /u:-k?nna f-tma:na:r? ?a:wwa:la:n u:-k?nna n-na:s ki:-k?-jr???bu bi:-k u:-k?j??rfu:-k bi-?anna-k ?? ?i:ti ???ti ?a:h/ Reda: /u:-?-?wi:da w-jd??jjfu:-k w-j?i:w l-??nd-?k jt??m?u

, Reda: I came in two thousand and three. LTm: ...or two thousand and one

. Ltm, And first we stayed in Tamanar, and we found welcoming people who are pleased to know about you

:. .. Reda, and that nice generosity, and they receive you, and come to visit you, gather, yeah! LTm: ...and they receive you

, /ma:-??fna:-ha:-? ??mm?r ?i:-??dd d?qq ?li:-na ts??ww?r ?na k?nna sa:kni:n f-l-m?dr?a:sa m?a bba:-hum mu:di:r.../ Reda: /ma:?a:l?l?a:h/ LTm: /...u:-sa:kni:n ?na f-l-m?dr?a:sa ma:-??mm?r ?i:-??dd d?qq ?li:-na

, / Reda: /ma:-?r?fna:-? ?r?fna m??t?t?li:n/ LTm: /hm ?r?fna:-k, Reda: /wa:la:ki:n ?i:t ntu:ma a:-xa:lt-i ?i:tu l-tma:ra... ?na ta:-nh?dr?u ?la:-tma:ra ta:-nr?jj?? m?a:-d-dra:ri ?a:na ?i:tthat

S. .. Come, Is this place deserted?" I mean, Reda: God's good will! LTm: ...we lived in the school, and no one ever knocked on our door

. Reda, Still, one could come and ask about you! LTm: Right! One could come

. Reda, LTm: Yeah!) A school principal is closer to families! LTm: Yeah, a school principal, that's a principal, ?? this is the most important matter!

, That's right!) But they don't give importance to the school principal, they just have one, one of our professors died

:. Reda, at that point

:. Ltm, .and what we did for him, and what we

, Reda: "We didn't know it! We knew it late, Only then people

. Reda, But ma'am, that's because you came to Temara

, We're talking about Temara, I personally see my friends

, Yacoub El Mansour, born and raised, Er Temara is

, It's always changing. The time, maybe since you came in nine... nineteen ninety-nine

, LTm: People were afraid

, They wouldn't see, they wouldn't have mercy on you, like "hello

, The vowel is extremely lengthened for emotional charge

, /??h tma:ra r?a... r?a:-ha ?a:-da u:-ka:-tt??jj?r l-w?qt ru:bba:ma ?i:tu ntu:ma f-t?s?

, LTm: /n-na:s ka:nu xa:jf

, d?i:-hum b?i:za:r?/ LTm: /ta:-d?i:-hum... ta:-d?i:-hum f-?i:-?k?l wa:la:ki:n mi:n d?rna ha:kda:k mi:n d?rna l-?za ?la:-da:k s-s?jj?d u:-?a:w n-na:s fi:-sa:bi:l-l?l?a m?n

, /nd??mmu ?ila:... ?a:w ??nd-na u:-ha:di/ Reda: /tama:man/ LTm: /ts??ww?r a:na w?ld-i mr?d? x?mst?a:??r ju:m u:-hu:wa f-s?-s?b?i:t?a:r? ??mm?r ?i:-wa:??d d?qq ?li:-ja

, l?l?a:-jr??m-u k?-jq?jj?l b-l-li:l/ Reda: /t?-jbqa m?a:-w?ld-u/ LTm: /t?-j, /?u:-ma:-??mm?r ?i:-??dd ga:l li:-ja s-sa:la:mu ?a:li:-kum m?n-?i:r l-?a:?i:la lli ka:-d?i m?n-sla w?lla m?n-m?kna:s w?lla/ Reda: /s??i:ba/ LTm: /wa:la:ki:n n-na:s ?-?a:r? ?i:t ?-?a:r? hu:wa l... hu:wa ??ww?l ?a:ll/ Reda: /?-?a:r? r?a:-h... b??d? l-m?r?r?a:t ka:jni:n ?a:la:t [k?, vol.367

E. , I would stay with my son by day, I would spend the day with him and the late Mr Youssef would spend the night. Reda: So he'd stay with his son, ?lli kt?r? m?n-?a:?i:lt-?k k?-jw?lli/ LTm: /u:-m?nni ?i:t hna ?i:t hna ??ddi:na smi:t-u xr??na LTm: You look

, Sometimes, there are cases in which they become more important than your own family! LTm: And when I came here, I came here and we took, how do you say that? We moved out, my husband moved out of the school and so on, and I came here, are the first relief! Reda: Neighbours are

. Reda, This place was empty, this man who told me about this

:. Ltm, ;. Hm!-reda, and .. ??bb?di,

, LT: Yeah, yeah, it was

, LTm: There was just this

, Reda: It was

, LT: (Yes, it was) empty. Reda: ...??? you're talking about ?? LTm: Yes, there was this

. Cfr,

, LTm's husband, whose name here is a fake one. xr?? r?-r?a:??l m?n-l-m?dr?a:sa u:-da:k-?-?i ?i:t hna

, LTm: /hm/ Reda: /?a:jj l-??bba:di u, Reda: /ka:nt hi:ja... qli:l.../ LT: /(?a:h ka:nt) xa:wja/ Reda: /...??? ka:-t?hd?r? f ??/ LTm: /??h ka:n ha:da ha:d s?-s?i:kt?u:r? lli ka:n ha:d ??a:r?? ha:kka u:-ha:d ?-?i ha:da 368 ma:-ka:nu:-? ka:nu xa:wji:n mu:hi:mm a:na ha:di:k n-na:s ?a:wta:ni ta:-(a:na) d?qqi:t ?li... sk?nna ??nd-hum

, nha:r?... j?ws??l nha:r l-kr?a k?-jw?qfu ?li:-k/ Reda: /??qli:ja/ LTm: /t?-jw?qfu ?li:-k/ Reda: /l-ãtura?, / LTm: /sa:wa:?a:n ??nd-?k w?lla ma-??nd-?k

, 369 /?a:d ka:-ntx?lls?u/ Reda: /...ka:-ntx?lls?u tama:man/ LTm: /d?i:-ni qb?l

, /bda:t t?-txa:s?r m?a:-ja l-h?dr?a u:-da:k on... we rented their house

, When the payment day comes, they badger you! Reda: It's their mentality. LTm: They just badger you! Reda: Their milieu

, LTm: No matter whether you have the money or not or

. Look, Reda: I don't stoop to this level. LTm: "If you won't mind! If you won't mind!" Because her name's Karima, too, The 20 th means the 20 th ! LTm: The 20 th means the 20 th !

. Ltm:-i'm-karima, . Too!-i'm-karima, and . Reda, Reda: "...I'm not like that!" LTm: "...I'm not keen on quarrelling, I'm not keen on whatever. Now, look: do speak politely to me

.. Yeah-;-she, that's the story, as I told you

, As she kept doing that to me, and when (she came) I gave her her money and so on, Er one day she went into trouble

. Reda, How was it? It's unpredictable. As she went into trouble, we paid immediately! [---] When we moved to her house, we had just left the previous one for, Time is unpredictable! LTm: Yeah, it's unpredictable

, Apparently, this was the agreed-upon payment day

, fi/ Reda: /?a:na ma:?i m?n-da:k l-mu:sta:wa/ LTm: /l?l?a:-j??t?i:-k r-rd?a l?l?a:-j??t?i:-k r-rd?a ?i:t ta:-hi:ja smi:t-ha ka:ri:ma l?l?a:-j??t?i:-k r-rd?a a:-ka:ri:ma/ Reda: /ta:-l-wa:li:da ndja:l-i smi:t-ha

, / (she's called out, resumes after few minutes) /?a:h g?tt l?k s?a:fi, Reda: /...?a:na ma:?i dja:l-ha:da:k ?-?i/ LTm: /...?a:na ma:?i dja:l-l-mda:bza ma:?i dja:l-a:smi:tu ?na ?u:fi ?a:-th?dr?i m?a:-ja b-l-?a:da:b u:-d-dra:ri

, /?na fa:? ?i:na ??nd-ha k?nna xr??na d?-d?i:pa:r? vu:l?u:nt?i:r? ma:-x?rr?u:-li:-na:-? l-flu:s/ Reda: /t?-jx?rr?u ha:di:k s-sa:?a l-flu:s/ LTm: /ma:-x?rr?u:-li:-na

, LTm: They hadn't given us the money, that's why I... I was in a tight spot! Imagine: I sold a wardrobe this big! Reda: Necessity forced you to sell, / LTm: /u:-dja:l-?-?u:q u:-dja:l-?-?u:q b??t-u [b-]???ra:la:f Reda: Whereas they normally pay immediately

, Sure, you can take it, why not? We... we are sisters." I mean, one... one shows people how they should learn! Reda: ...Behave! LTm: ...How they should behave! Reda: You teach them in an indirect way. LTm: Yeah, I mean, LTm: And it was a good one! And in spite of that I sold it for 20,000 ryal

. Reda, She must have been surprised. LTm: I gave it to her

. Reda, And that must have surprised her! LTm: And they totally changed! And they still come and ask about me! [---] I left their place, and when she makes a wedding or anything, I'm the first one ??? she calls

, b-s?-s????/ LTm: /?a:h/ Reda: /fh?mt-?k ma:-k?mm?lti:-? m?a:-ha ?la:?... b?i:ti ha:-hi:ja/ LTm: /?a:h g?tt li:-ha ?a:h mr??ba ?la:? lla ?na

, /hi;ja ?a:di t... hi:ja d?wwr?a:t-ha fr?a:s-ha/ Reda: /?a:-t?st?w??b/ LTm: /g?tt li:-ha fu:qa:? b?i:ti:-ha ga:tt-l-i l?l?a:-jsa:h?l ?li:-k r?a df??t ?-?i:k b-du:n ra:s?i:d u:-r?a ha:di u:-r?a ha:di s?a:fi/ Reda: /ta r?a s??i:ba/ LTm: /?a:h w?l?l?a:jta lb?st ??lla:bi:jt-i m?i:t ??bt-u li:-ha di:k s-sa:?a ?t?i

, Reda: /?a:-ttfa:??? s?a:fi/ LTm: /s?a:fi tb?ddlu u:-l-da:ba t?-j?i:w js?wwlu ?li:-ja

!. Look, LTm: When one is respectful, one respects oneself to begin with! Reda: When you res... yes! LTm: If you respect yourself, then people respect you, too! Reda: That's true, that's right! LTm: Always! And this is what I teach my children, I say, /r??lt m?n-?da:-hum k?-ddi:r l-??rs u:la k?-ddi:r ?i:-?a:?a ?a:na l-l?wwla ?? ka:-t??jj?t? ?li:-ja/ Reda: Not with wealth

, The second last vowel is lengthened ([??:::f?k]) to express how LTm's former landlady must have charged her request emotionally

, Setting: the living room of OUL, a man in his sixties from the Wl?lda fraction of the ?r?b, one of the tribes who originally inhabited the area of Temara, Reda: /?-??lasjõ (bqa:t)/ LTm: /j??ni w?lli:t m?n-l?a:-fa:mi w?lli:t m?n-l-?a:?i:la j??ni x?s?s?-?k l-?i:nsa:n ba:? ?a:di t?fr?d? l-wu:?u:d dja:l?k b-l-mu:?a:ma:la/ Reda: /ma:?i b-l-ma:dda/ LTm: /l-?i:nsa:n m?lli k?-jku:n j??ta:r?m k?-j?ta:r?m n?fs-u ?a:wwa:la:n/ Reda: /m?nni ka:-t??t... ?a:h/ LTm: /m?lli ka:-t??ta:r?m n?fs-?k k?-j?ta:rmu:-k n-na:s/ Reda: /vr?i tama:man/ LTm: /di:ma:n u:-ha:d ?-?i ?la:-? ka:-nr??bbi a:na wli:da:ti ta:-ngu:l-l-hum ?u:fu Reda: /l-?a:mdu:-li:-lla:h l-?a:mdu:-li:-lla:h/ LTm: /?ta:rmu nfu:s-kum ?a... ?a:-j?ta:rmu:-kum n-na:s u:-?a:jj ?a:?a/ recording: individual interview

, /ki:-w?lla:t ta:-tba:nl-?k tma[:ra] nta ?a:-tku:n ka:-tla:??d? kt?r? m?n-wa:??d ma:-?a:?-? f-ha:di:k l-?i:qba nta k?nti w?ld u t?-jba:n-l-?k n-na:s ?a:ji:n ma:ta:la:n m?n-ka:za t-ta:qa:fa:t k?-jtb?ddlu l-l?h?a l-aksã ha:da ?a:j?b m?a:-h ?a:da:t l-a:xur ?a:j?b m?a:-h ?a:da:t ma:t

, Reda: /bi-ma?na:/ OUL: /bi-ma?na: ??nn-a:?na tw?dd?r?na w?st? m?n-hum w?lli:na ?a:qa:lli:ja ma:-bqi:na:-? ta:-nba:nu/ Reda: /[ma:-]bqa:t-? ka:-tba:nu ?a:h/ OUL: /ma:-bqi:na:-? ta:-nba:nu/ Reda: /nu:r?ma:l?/ OUL: /da:ba ta:-txr?? ma:-ta:-ts?i:b-? w?ld l-bla:d/ Reda: /na:di:ra:n fi:n a:-ttla:qa ?i:-wa:??d t?mma/ OUL: /ta:-ttla:qa m?a:-h b-s?-s?u:dfa

. Oul:-yeah, We don't stand out any more. Reda: You don't stand out, yeah! OUL: We don't stand out any more. Reda: That's normal. OUL: Now you go out there, you can't find locals any more. Reda: You rarely find one. OUL: You just meet him by chance

E. .. One-day and . Friend, the poor guy was walking there, in the midst of the garbage, he... he turned the hna f-z-zba:la t?-j, t?-jdu:r? u:-da:z ?da ?i:-w??di:n

, ?li:-h (ha:d xa:j-na ta:ni) ma:-?[r?f]t mni:n ?a ha:d s-s?jj?d, /bqa bna:d?m ?i t?jtk

, Reda: /ta:-tt?ra ka:-tt?ra b-s?-s???? da:ba n?r??? l-j??qu:b lm?ns?u:r a:-nba:n a:na etrã?/ OUL: /?na da:ba m?lli ta:-n?tla:ga:w m?a... m?a:-b??d?i:ja:t-na ta:-nw?lli:w n??sbu r?a:s-na b?r?r?a:ni:ji:n/ Reda: /ma:?i ki:s?t?ju:n b?r?r?a:ni ?i:r ha:da:k l-fi:kr

.. .. /ta and . Ta, / Reda: /ta:-t?hd?r? nta hd?r?ti b-wa:??d l-fi:kra lli hi:ja da:ba hi:ja lli k

, b?a:l-?k b?a:l ha:d n-na:s b?a:l-la ja:l?l?a:h ?i:ti m?n ?i:-?i:ha x w ra, /ma:-ka:j?n ta:-?i:-f?rq ma:-??nd?k-? f?rq bi:n-?k u:-bi:n-hum/ Reda: /tama:man/ OUL: /ma-??nd-?k-? f?rq rubbama: hu:wa ??nd-u ???bi:ja kt?r? m?nn-?k nta/ Reda: /ma:-jkun-? ??nd-?k tta ?... k.../ (laughs) /a:-tku:n ??nd-u ???bi:ja kt?r? m?nn-?k/ OUL: /???/ Reda: /?i:t hu:wa t... ?a:? m?a:-wa:??d n-na:s tx?ll?t? m?a:-hum w?lla:w ??rfu:-h u syrtu b... b-?ukm l?-l?a:? ba:qi s??i:r

. Reda, They happen, they do happen, that's right! Now, if I go back to Y??q?b l-M?ns??r I look like a strange

, OUL: Now, when we meet ea... each other, we consider ourselves strangers. Reda: It's not a matter of being strangers, it's just that way of thinking

, OUL: No, this

. Reda, You're talking, you talked with an idea in mind which

, Regards to how the human being lives its daily life. Reda: That's right! OUL: I mean, those people whose faces are familiar to you and so on are not there any more, OUL: I'm... I'm just talking with regards to... regards to, vol.like... [---] Er

. Reda, There's no difference, you've got nothing different from them. Reda: That's right! OUL: You've got nothing different; perhaps he's more popular than you! Reda: It could be you're not as p... (laughs) He could even be more popular than you! OUL: ??? Reda: Because he

, ll integrate himself: this is how he'll become more popular than you. He'll end up saying: "I know this guy, kt?r? m?nn-?k t?-jw?lli jgu:l ha:da:k ka

, /?aban ?an-?add ?an-?add ?an-?add r?a w?ld tma:ra/ OUL: /u:-ha:-hu:wa w?lla ma:-m??ru:f-? f-l-bla:d/ Reda: /?a:h nu:r?ma:l? ha:da:k ma:?i mu:?ki:l k?-jd?a:w?z k?-jd?a:w?z/ OUL: /lla lla ha:di ??h ha:di z??ma ?i:r g?tt-l-?k ?h

, /?na ma:-w?lli:na:-? ta:-nba:nu ?na w?lli:na msa:jt?ri:n ?li:-na ha:d n-na:s/ Reda: /g?lt li... ?ami:? l-?a?na:s/ OUL: /???... la le-zimigre ma:ta:la:n tm?nja w?lla ???ra:-t-l-m?lju:n ta:-tw?lli f-l-bla:d dja:l le-zimigre r?a ma:?i s?hla ?a:h/ Reda: /u:-ma:?i m?n... m?nt?a... m?n-bla:d w??da/ OUL: /r?a ta:-tw?... t?-jw?lli:w n-na:s s-su:kka:n l-?a:s?li:ji:n t?-jw?lli:w md??jjqi:n ?a:j??n-ma

, j??ni i:?ti:ma:?i:ja u:-da:k ?-?i r?a t?-jw?lli:w md?jjqi:n ?a:j??n-ma/ Reda: /ka:j... m?tta:f?q m?a:-k/ OUL: /ha:di r?a fi:nma m?i:ti ka:jna/ Reda: /l-?a:lam pa?tu/ OUL: /?a:h/ Reda: /l-?a:lam/ OUL: /nafs ?-?aj?/ and so on

, Reda: That's something you always feel, of course you feel it. OUL: No, no: this feeling

. Reda, Morocco in general. OUL: ...as soon as you

. France and . French-are-complaining, By all the races! OUL: ??? No, immigrants, for example: immigrants reaching eight or ten million in the country. That's no easy matter! Right? Reda: And they're not from

, they end up feeling pressed somehow

. Reda, OUL: Even if you're a kind, what? Reda: Yeah

:. Reda and . Yes, OUL: The... the... I mean, from the social aspect and so on. They start feeling pressed somehow

:. Reda and . Tr, I agree with you. OUL: And this is the case wherever you go. Reda: Around the world, everywhere. OUL: What? Reda: Around the world. OUL: The same thing

, Hidden-camera test: LPI's account of "Beating the guard" Type of recording: hidden-camera test Setting: Queen Mary café (Temara), inside LPI: /da:ba ha:d l-b?rhu:? ??? ka:jn wa:??d l-ga:r?i:t?a wa:q?f fi:-ha wa:??d ?? wa:??d ? b?a

, /jts??wwru m?a:-h t?-jw?r?r??k ?li:-h t?-j... (laughs) ?? ??l k?r?-u t?-jt?i:?... ha:da:k xa:j-na t?-jt?i:? m?a:-l-ga:r?i:t?a dja:l-u l-l-lu:r? b?a:lla r?a, hu:ma t?-jb?i:w js??wwru u:la jts??wwru m?a:-h t?-j?i wa:??d... b?rhu:? wa:??d d-d?rri s??i:r t?-j?i b?a:l ha:da:k ja:l?l?a ba:?i js??wwr-u t?-j?i wa:??d d-d?rri s??i:r ha:zz wa:??d l-?s?a dja:l-b?i:zb?u:l? t?jw?r?r??k ?la ha:da:k

, They want to photograph him, or to be photographed with him. A... brat, a little kid comes, he comes like that. As he wants to photograph him, a little kid comes holding a baseball bat, and hits that, who theoretically has to stand still, and girls want to be photographed in him

, You've got it? The one who's taking pictures, who's being pranked, starts being deceived, saying, on his stomach and he falls

E. .. , That little kid runs away

, For example: eventually, that guy who was pho... who wanted to photograph him [---] comes to look for him and finds that he's not there ?? in the booth

, You've been pranked!" EMK: The one who photographs him and the one who gets photographed

, LPI: Now, the one who photographs is

, Either they photograph him, er the one in the booth in front of them [---] or some girl, for example, comes... some girl comes and (stands) by the booth wanting to be photographed, /f-ga:? l-?a:la:t t?-j?i da:k l-b?rhu:? t?-j../ (laughs) /t?-jx?bt?-u/ EMK: /??? l-mu:s?a:wwi:r ?ku:n/ LPI: /mu:s?a:wwi:r hu:wa lli da:jri:n li:-h l-ka:mi:r?a xa:fi:ja/ EMK: /s?a

, /t?-j?i jq?ll?b u:-t?-jhr?b li:-h l-b?rhu:? t?-jtxl?? j?i jq?ll... jq?ll?b ?li

, /ka:j?n s-si:d lli f-lga:r?i:t?a wa:q?f (q/g)?dda:m-u/ J: /m?zja:n ?nu:-lli k?-j?i l-l?ww?l wa:? d-d?rri s?-s??i:r u:la s-si:d lli k?-js??ww?r/ EMK: /mu:hi:mm s-si:d lli k?-js??ww?r hu:wa l-l?ww?l ta:-k?-j?i b?a js??ww?r? k?-j?u:f l-aksjõ m?lli ?a d-d?rri s?s??i:r ??, /b?a:lla ?ku:n lli k?-jtqu:l?b/ EMK: /lli k?-jtqu:l?b/ J: /?a:h f-l-ka:mi:r?a... ?nu k?-jdi:r hu:wa/ EMK: /normalmã hu:wa lli k?-js??ww?r/ J: /u:-ha:da:k lli k?-js??ww?r fi:n ka:j?n par rapor l-da:k s-si:d lli f-l-ga:r?i:t?a/ EMK: /hu:wa ka:j?n q?dda:m-u

, EMK: (laughing) Yeah! LPI: (to J.) Alright, he said he's got it! J: Alright! (to EMK) So who, Got it? (starts laughing) EMK: (laughing) Eventually, there comes ??? LPI: That's it, you've got it? (laughs)

, There's a little boy, J: Hm hm EMK

J. Hm and E. :. .-;-and, You've got the sir who's in the booth and he's standing in front of him. J: Good! Who comes first, the little kid or the sir who takes pictures? EMK: Anyway, the sir who takes pictures is the first one, and when he comes and wants to take pictures he sees what happens when the little kid comes ??? J: Alright, that's it! 372 The word, usually /ga:r?i:t?a/, is uttered with /k/ here, possibly for an accidental mistake. 8 -Hidden-camera test: DC's account of "Red light, Type of recording: hidden-camera test Setting: Queen Mary café (Temara), inside DC: /FG ??rti ha:d l-vi:d?ju ha:da/ FG: /hm/ DC: /w?l?l?a:jta t?-t?u:p a xa:j wa:??r

, /bqa da:k mu:l fu:r?d? ga:l?s k?-jts?nna k?-jts?nna k?jts?nn... u:-k?-jd?r?b ?li:-h d?k l-bu:li:si d?k l-bu:li:si k?jba:n b?a:l-lli na:??s

, /n?fs l-b?l?a:n ?a:wta:ni t?u:mu:b?i:?a ??mra da:zt u:-hi:ja tw?qq?f f-lfi:ru:? bqa:t wa:gfa wa:gfa u:-k?-j?u:fu u:-k?-js??b-hum na:??s ja:l?l?a k?-jt??rrku k?-js??ff?r ?li:-hum ?a:wta:ni k?jgu:l r??? 374 ?a:wta:ni

.. /??nd-u-wa:??d, /hu:wa ba:qi ??nd-u u:-jgu:l li:-h l-bu:li:si ?u:f r?a:-hu:wa d?-d?u l-xd??r DC: FG, you see this video? FG: Hm? DC: It's top, bro, amazing!

, DC: A national route. FG: OK. DC: It's in the middle of it. A traffic light, DC: Where did they place it? They just placed it along a

, A girl's controlling it from a distance, A big Ford, coming towards the red light

, Same thing again: a red car, it comes and stops before the red light. And it stays and stays, and the people look at him and they think he's sleeping. As soon as they move, he whistles at them, too, and he says, once again, The guy starts shouting

, The vowel is here lengthened [r??ae::?] for expressive purposes

, ?a:di jdi:r/ J: /la z??ma ?la:? ?nu hu:wa s-sa:ba:b/ FG: /?a:h s-sa:ba:b ka:-t?.../ DC: (in a low voice) /l-b?nt/ FG: /smi:tu ha:da:k hu:wa l-m?ql?b ha:da:k l-fø ru? hu:wa l-m?ql?b, /??h hu:wa lli k?-jt... k?-jt??kk?m fi:-h wa:??d l-b?nnu:ta b-wa:??d t?-telekomã k?-t???l l-?m?r fwqi:t ma b?a:t u:-t???l l-xd??r f-wqi:t ma b?a:t/ J: /u:-fi:n ka:jna ha:di:k l-b?nt/ FG: /l-b?nt mx?bbi:ja

, Look, it's green!" As soon as he gets back on, they switch it back to red! FG: (laughs) DC: (laughs) And he goes mad. (laughs) That's the story! J: (To FG, after he's stopped laughing) There's a traffic light, wa:? k?-j?a:w?l j?t??rr?k m?n t?-t?u:mu:b?i:l?/ FG: /lla b-l-??ks la... i:la ka:n ?m?r x?s?s?-u j?wq?f k?-jbqa him, the policeman says

. J:-yeah, That that policeman's sitting in... next to that traffic light [---] like he's observing he's... he's waiting, he's waiting for that driver, that is, to... to make a move

.. , to get off the car so that she switches it to green. Got it? J: And why does that light [---] always stay red? FG: Always stay red? To see the driver's reaction, the ca

E. .. , That's the trick! That traffic light's the trick

, I mean, before they play the trick, before the prank. Her place, she has to hide from their view, and hold a remote control to operate that... that traffic light er, does he try and move from the car? FG: Quite the opposite 377 ! If... If the light's red, he must wa:q?f ?i:r hu:wa l-?m?r k?-j... k?-jlqa b-?anna-hu r?a wa:q?f b?zza:f 376 m?n b??d k?-jb?i jt??kk?d

, m?nni k?-j??ss b-r?a:s[-u] b-?anna r?a wa:q?f b?zza:f k?jzt??m k?-jzi:d

, k?-jfi:q li:-h da:k l-bu:li:si/ DC laughs FG: /lli s??b-l-u r?a na:??s u:la ?i:-?a

, He ends staying there a very very long time. Then he wants to make sure, s?a:fi hu:wa ha:da:k/ stop, he stays still

J. Ok,

, Here it seems that my question is not clear, as FG answers like I have asked him if the driver moves the car (rather than out of the car, which is what I meant to say). Even so, FG's question brings more tokens of the lexemes desired

, The last vowel of this word lasts over one second