index - Cliniques Contemporaines - Liens & Processus Subjectifs Accéder directement au contenu

Bienvenue sur la collection HAL du CLIPSY

Direction | Aubeline VINAY

Référent·e HAL | Aubeline VINAY





Proportion d'Open Access

31 %


Aliénation Réchauffement climatique Identity Identité narrative Free-Realization of the Family Tree Ethnopsychoanalysis Médiation thérapeutique Socio-anthropological approach Narrative identity Crisis Cancer screening test Same-sex families Personnality disorder Éco-anxiété Travalleurs sociaux Symbolization Clinical Psychology Urinary self-sampling Living conditions Acute psychotic episode Normativité Identité Borderline Personality Disorder Vibratoire Psychanalyse Therapeutic mediation Institutions Well Being Traumatism – Traumatophilia – Symbolisation – Subjectivation – Dream – Psychoanalysis – Literature and Phenomenology – Testimony – Fire Fighters Data Analysis Low physician density Psychometric Validation Littérature et Phénoménologie – Témoignage – Sapeurs-Pompiers Urine self-sampling School Psychic traumatism - trauma - Community Care - Institutionnal care group analysis - war neurosis - object active's penetration Work of the ancestor Libre-Réalisation de l'Arbre généalogique Travail de l'ancêtre Crise Symbolisation Migration Vaginal selfsampling Institutions sociales Consentement Approche socio-anthropologique Clinical Assessment Violence fondamentale Cervical cancer Social change Fundamental violence Transmission psychique Cancer screening strategies Data Acquisition Cello Psychologie clinique Health professionals Qualitative research Crise psychotique aiguë Approche psychanalytique Family Solastalgie Randomised controlled trial Psychic transmission Droits de l'enfant Story of origins Traumatisme psychique - trauma - soin communautaire - soin institutionnel - psychanalyse de groupe - névrose de guerre - pénétration agie de l'objet Underscreened women Clusters Semi-structured interview Ethnopsychanalyse Gilets Jaunes Normativity Screening coverage Psychoanalysis approach Vibratory Recherche qualitative Under-screened women Maesurement Alienation Normality Higher education Socialization Autism Cervical cancer cancer screening strategies underscreened women low physician density urine self-sampling vaginal self-sampling health professionals semi-structured interview Écologie Récit des origines Traumatisme - Traumatophilie – Symbolisation – Subjectivation - Rêve – Psychanalyse Autorité Normalité Familles homoparentales African witchcraft Semi-structured interviews Vaginal self-sampling Yellow Vests

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