Library Rustre.Common

Require Import Coq.FSets.FMapPositive.
Require Import Nelist.
Require Import List.
Require Coq.MSets.MSets.
Require Export PArith.
Require Import Omega.

Common definitions

Finite sets and finite maps

These modules are used to manipulate identifiers.

Module PS := Coq.MSets.MSetPositive.PositiveSet.
Module PSP := MSetProperties.WPropertiesOn Pos PS.
Module PSF := MSetFacts.Facts PS.
Module PSdec := Coq.MSets.MSetDecide.WDecide PS.

Module PM := Coq.FSets.FMapPositive.PositiveMap.

Definition ident := positive.
Definition ident_eq_dec := Pos.eq_dec.
Definition ident_eqb := Pos.eqb.

Implicit Type i j: ident.

Definition adds {A} (is : nelist ident) (vs : nelist A) (S : PM.t A) :=
  Nelist.fold_right (fun (iiv: ident × A) env
                    let (i , iv) := iiv in
                    PM.add i iv env) S (Nelist.combine is vs).

Inductive Assoc {A} : nelist identnelist AidentAProp :=
| AssocBase:
     i v,
      Assoc (nebase i) (nebase v) i v
| AssocHere:
     i v is vs,
      Assoc (necons i is) (necons v vs) i v
| AssocThere:
     i v is vs,
      Assoc is vs
      Assoc (necons i is) (necons v vs) .

Basic types supported by CoreDF:

Inductive base_type := Tint | Tbool.
Inductive const : Set :=
| Cint : BinInt.Zconst
| Cbool : boolconst.

Implicit Type c: const.

Definition const_eqb (c1: const) (c2: const) : bool :=
  match c1, c2 with
  | Cint z1, Cint z2BinInt.Z.eqb z1 z2
  | Cbool b1, Cbool b2Bool.eqb b1 b2
  | _, _false

Universe for typed signatures

These definitions are used to specify and import external operators

Inductive arity :=
  | Tout (t_out : base_type)
  | Tcons (t_in : base_type) (arr : arity).

Definition base_interp t :=
  match t with
    | TintBinInt.Z
    | Tboolbool

Fixpoint arrows (l : arity) : Set :=
  match l with
    | Tout tbase_interp t
    | Tcons A arbase_interp Aarrows ar

Definition operator := sigT arrows.
Definition get_arity : operatorarity := @projT1 _ _.
Definition get_interp : op : operator, arrows (get_arity op) := @projT2 _ _.

Fixpoint nb_args (ar : arity) :=
  match ar with
    | Tout _ ⇒ 0
    | Tcons t arS (nb_args ar)

Fixpoint arg_interp (ar : arity) :=
  match ar with
    | Tout _nil
    | Tcons t arcons (base_interp t) (arg_interp ar)

Fixpoint res_interp (ar : arity) :=
  match ar with
    | Tout tbase_interp t
    | Tcons _ arres_interp ar

Definition base_to_const t :=
  match t as return base_interp const with
    | Tintfun vCint v
    | Tboolfun bCbool b

Two possible versions: 1) arguments must be correct 2) arguments are checked to have the proper type

Inductive valid_args : aritySet :=
  | noArg : t_out, valid_args (Tout t_out)
  | moreArg : {t_in ar} (c : base_interp t_in) (l : valid_args ar), valid_args (Tcons t_in ar).

Fixpoint apply_arity_1 {ar : arity} (f : arrows ar) (args : valid_args ar) : res_interp ar.
destruct ar; simpl in ×.
- exact f.
- inversion_clear args.
  exact (apply_arity_1 ar (f c) l).

Inductive Valid_args : aritynelist constProp :=
  | OneInt : t_out n, Valid_args (Tcons Tint (Tout t_out)) (nebase (Cint n))
  | OneBool : t_out b, Valid_args (Tcons Tbool (Tout t_out)) (nebase (Cbool b))
  | MoreInt : ar (n : Z) l, Valid_args ar lValid_args (Tcons Tint ar) (necons (Cint n) l)
  | MoreBool : ar (b : bool) l, Valid_args ar lValid_args (Tcons Tbool ar) (necons (Cbool b) l).

Fixpoint apply_arity (ar : arity) (l : nelist const) : arrows aroption const :=
  match ar as ar´, l return arrows ar´option const with
    | Tout _, _fun _None
    | Tcons Tint (Tout Tint), nebase (Cint n) ⇒ fun fSome (Cint (f n))
    | Tcons Tint (Tout Tbool), nebase (Cint n) ⇒ fun fSome (Cbool (f n))
    | Tcons Tbool (Tout Tint), nebase (Cbool b) ⇒ fun fSome (Cint (f b))
    | Tcons Tbool (Tout Tbool), nebase (Cbool b) ⇒ fun fSome (Cbool (f b))
    | Tcons Tint ar, necons (Cint n) lfun fapply_arity ar l (f n)
    | Tcons Tbool ar, necons (Cbool b) lfun fapply_arity ar l (f b)
    | _, _fun _None

Definition apply_op (op : operator) (l : nelist const) : option const :=
  apply_arity (get_arity op) l (get_interp op).


About identifiers

Lemma ident_eqb_neq:
   x y, ident_eqb x y = false x y.
  unfold ident_eqb; apply Pos.eqb_neq.

Lemma ident_eqb_eq:
   x y, ident_eqb x y = true x = y.
  unfold ident_eqb; apply Pos.eqb_eq.

Lemma ident_eqb_refl:
   f, ident_eqb f f = true.
  unfold ident_eqb; apply Pos.eqb_refl.

Lemma gsss:
   {A: Type} is (vs : nelist A) i a, Nelist.length is = Nelist.length vs
    (Assoc is vs i a PM.find i (adds is vs (PM.empty _)) = Some a).
  Hint Constructors Assoc.
  intros × Hlen.
  - intros ** Hassoc; induction Hassoc; try contradiction; unfold adds; simpl.
    × rewrite PM.gss; auto.
    × rewrite (@PM.gss A i); auto.
    × rewrite PM.gso; auto.
  - revert vs Hlen; induction is as [i1 |i1 is]; intros [v1 | v1 vs] Hlen;
    try now destruct is || destruct vs; simpl in Hlen; discriminate.
    + unfold adds. simpl. intro Hfind.
      destruct (ident_eqb i i1) eqn:Heqi.
      × apply ident_eqb_eq in Heqi. subst.
        rewrite PM.gss in Hfind; injection Hfind; intro; subst; clear Hfind.
      × apply ident_eqb_neq in Heqi.
        rewrite PM.gso, PM.gempty in Hfind; trivial. discriminate.
    + unfold adds. simpl. intro Hfind.
      destruct (ident_eqb i i1) eqn:Heqi.
      × apply ident_eqb_eq in Heqi. subst.
        rewrite PM.gss in Hfind; injection Hfind; intro; subst; clear Hfind.
      × apply ident_eqb_neq in Heqi.
        rewrite PM.gso in Hfind; auto.

Lemma gsos:
   (A: Type) is vs (m : PM.t A) i, Nelist.length is = Nelist.length vs
    ¬ Nelist.In i is
    PM.find i (adds is vs m) = PM.find i m.
  intros A is vs m i Hlen Hnin. revert vs Hlen.
  induction is as [i1 |i1 is]; intros [v1 |v1 vs] Hlen;
  try now destruct is || destruct vs; simpl in Hlen; discriminate.
  - unfold adds; simpl; auto. now rewrite PM.gso.
  - simpl in Hlen. unfold adds; simpl; auto.
    destruct (ident_eqb i i1) eqn:Heqi.
    + exfalso.
      apply ident_eqb_eq in Heqi. subst.
      apply Hnin; simpl; auto.
    + apply ident_eqb_neq in Heqi.
      rewrite PM.gso; eauto.
      apply IHis; try omega; []. intro Hin. apply Hnin. simpl. auto.

Lemma In_dec:
   x S, {PS.In x S}+{¬PS.In x S}.
  intros i m; unfold PS.In; case (PS.mem i m); auto.

About basic types

Lemma const_eqb_eq:
   (c1 c2: const),
    const_eqb c1 c2 = true c1 = c2.
  - destruct c1, c2; simpl; intro H; try discriminate.
    + apply BinInt.Z.eqb_eq in H; rewrite H; reflexivity.
    + apply Bool.eqb_prop in H; rewrite H; reflexivity.
  - destruct c1, c2; simpl; intro H0; try discriminate H0.
    + injection H0.
      intro H1; rewrite H1.
      destruct z, z0; simpl;
      (reflexivity || discriminate || (apply Pos.eqb_eq; reflexivity)).
    + injection H0.
      intro H1; rewrite H1.
      destruct b, b0; simpl; try reflexivity.

Lemma const_eq_dec: (c1 c2: const), {c1=c2}+{c1c2}.
  intros c1 c2.
  destruct (const_eqb c1 c2) eqn:Heq; [left|right].
  apply const_eqb_eq; assumption.
  intro H; apply const_eqb_eq in H.
  rewrite Heq in H; discriminate.

About operators

Lemma arity_dec : ar1 ar2 : arity, {ar1 = ar2} + {ar1 ar2}.
Proof. do 2 decide equality. Qed.

Axiom op_dec : op1 op2 : operator, {op1 = op2} + {op1 op2}.

Example plus : operator.
(Tcons Tint (Tcons Tint (Tout Tint))).
exact BinInt.Z.add.

Definition op_eqb op1 op2 := if op_dec op1 op2 then true else false.

Lemma op_eqb_true_iff : op1 op2, op_eqb op1 op2 = true op1 = op2.
Proof. intros op1 op2. unfold op_eqb. destruct (op_dec op1 op2); intuition discriminate. Qed.

Lemma op_eqb_false_iff : op1 op2, op_eqb op1 op2 = false op1 op2.
Proof. intros op1 op2. unfold op_eqb. destruct (op_dec op1 op2); intuition discriminate. Qed.

Lemma Valid_args_length : ar l, Valid_args ar lNelist.length l = nb_args ar.
Proof. intros ar l Hvalid. induction Hvalid; simpl; auto. Qed.

About Coq stdlib

Lemma Forall_cons2:
   A P (x: A) l,
    List.Forall P (x :: l) P x List.Forall P l.
Proof. intros; split; inversion_clear 1; auto. Qed.

Lemma pm_in_dec: A i m, PM.In (A:=A) i m ¬PM.In (A:=A) i m.
  unfold PM.In, PM.MapsTo.
  intros A i m.
  case (PM.find i m).
  right; intro; destruct H; discriminate H.

Lemma Some_injection:
   A (x:A) (y:A), x = y Some x = Some y.
  split; intro H; [rewrite H|injection H]; auto.

Lemma mem_spec_false:
   s x, PS.mem x s = false ¬PS.In x s.
  intros Hmem Hin.
  apply PS.mem_spec in Hin.
  rewrite Hin in Hmem.
  intro Hnin.
  apply Bool.not_true_iff_false.
  intro Hnmem.
  rewrite PS.mem_spec in Hnmem.

Import List.ListNotations.
Open Scope list_scope.

Lemma List_shift_first:
   (A:Set) ll (x : A) lr,
    ll ++ (x :: lr) = (ll ++ [x]) ++ lr.
  induction ll as [|? ? IH]; [auto|intros].
  rewrite <- List.app_comm_cons.
  rewrite IH.
  now do 2 rewrite List.app_comm_cons.

Lemma List_shift_away:
   (A:Set) alleqs (eq : A) eqs,
    ( oeqs, alleqs = oeqs ++ (eq :: eqs))
    → oeqs´, alleqs = oeqs´ ++ eqs.
  intros A alleqs eq eqs Hall.
  destruct Hall as [oeqs Hall].
   (oeqs ++ [eq]).
  rewrite Hall.
  now rewrite List_shift_first.

Lemma Forall_app:
   A (P: AProp) ll rr,
    Forall P (ll ++ rr) (Forall P ll Forall P rr).
  intros A P ll rr.
  induction ll as [|x ll IH]; [intuition|].
  rewrite Forall_cons2.
  rewrite and_assoc.
  rewrite <-IH.
  rewrite <-List.app_comm_cons.
  now rewrite Forall_cons2.

Lemma Exists_app:
   A (P: AProp) ll rr,
    Exists P rr
    → Exists P (ll ++ rr).
  intros A P ll rr Hex.
  induction ll as [|x ll IH]; [intuition|].
  rewrite <-List.app_comm_cons.
  constructor 2.
  exact IH.

Lemma Forall_Forall:
   A P Q (xs : list A),
    Forall P xsForall Q xsForall (fun xP x Q x) xs.
  induction xs as [|x xs IH]; [now constructor|].
  intros HPs HQs.
  inversion_clear HPs as [|? ? HP HPs´].
  inversion_clear HQs as [|? ? HQ HQs´].

Lemma Forall_Exists:
   A (P Q: AProp) xs,
    Forall P xs
    → Exists Q xs
    → Exists (fun xP x Q x) xs.
  induction xs as [|x xs IH]; [now inversion 2|].
  intros Ha He.
  inversion_clear Ha.
  inversion_clear He; auto.

Lemma not_None_is_Some:
   A (x : option A), x None ( v, x = Some v).
  destruct x; intuition.
   a; reflexivity.
  match goal with H: _, _ |- _destruct H end; discriminate.

Definition not_In_empty: x : ident, ~(PS.In x PS.empty) := PS.empty_spec.

Ltac not_In_empty :=
  match goal with H:PS.In _ PS.empty |- _now apply not_In_empty in H end.

Lemma map_eq_cons : {A B} (f : AB) l y ,
  map f l = y :: x l´´, l = x :: l´´ f x = y.
intros A B f l y Hmap. destruct l; simpl in Hmap.
- discriminate.
- inversion_clear Hmap. eauto.

Open Scope bool_scope.

Fixpoint forall2b {A B} (f : ABbool) l1 l2 :=
  match l1, l2 with
    | nil, niltrue
    | e1 :: l1, e2 :: l2f e1 e2 && forall2b f l1 l2
    | _, _false

Lemma Forall2_forall2 : {A B : Type} P l1 l2,
  Forall2 P l1 l2 length l1 = length l2
                       (a : A) (b : B) n x1 x2, n < length l1nth n l1 a = x1nth n l2 b = x2P x1 x2.
intros A B P l1. induction l1; intro l2.
× split; intro H.
  + inversion_clear H. split; simpl; auto. intros. omega.
  + destruct H as [H _]. destruct l2; try discriminate. constructor.
× split; intro H.
  + inversion_clear H. rewrite IHl1 in H1. destruct H1. split; simpl; auto.
    intros. destruct n; subst; trivial. eapply H1; eauto. omega.
  + destruct H as [Hlen H].
    destruct l2; simpl in Hlen; try discriminate. constructor.
    apply (H a b 0); trivial; simpl; try omega.
    rewrite IHl1. split; try omega.
    intros. eapply (H a0 b0 (S n)); simpl; eauto. simpl; omega.

Corollary Forall2_length : {A B} (P : ABProp) l1 l2,
  Forall2 P l1 l2length l1 = length l2.
Proof. intros × Hall. rewrite Forall2_forall2 in Hall. now destruct Hall. Qed.